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From A Tale in the Desert
Revision as of 17:46, 3 November 2009 by Rwindmtg (talk | contribs) (Added all passed laws and all unpassed above 50% from last ballot)
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This is a list of all Law petitions.

Please place new petitions under it's own heading.

Gathering Signatures

Welcome Island Clean Up

The Welcome Island Can Be Busy and Lots of Old unused Rotten FLax and Buildings Lying Around Making it Cluttered with Rubbish . This Act is To Enable A Mentor To Clear Away The Old FLax And Buildings After 7 Days Have Passed . Keeping The island Tidy

Departed Person Property Reclamation Act (DPPRA)

[This law, if passed, will replace the Egypt Cleanup Act -Teppy]

(copy of Amanesus' law in Tale 2)

NOTE This law will replace the current Departed and Absent Player Cleanup (DPAC) Law

1. Definition of Departed Person

A player will be deemed "Departed" if he fulfills any of the following criteria:

1.1 His account status is "Quit", "Exiled", "Dead", or similar, and he has not logged on for 7 days.

1.2 His account status is "Expired" or "Trial", and he has not logged on for 14 days.

2. Departed Guilds and Promotion of Members

2.1 In the event that all Elders of a guild are Departed, the highest-ranked non-Departed guild members will be given the option to promote themselves to Elder at the guild hall.

2.2 If a guild has no non-Departed Elders for a period of 14 days or more, the guild will be defined as "Departed".

3. Treatment of property belonging to Departed Persons or Guilds

Once an entity (person or guild) has been deemed Departed, any citizen clicking on this entity's property will be given the option to "Claim" or "Tear Down". These options will remain until a citizen selects either one, at which point the property will become his, or will be torn down, respectively.

4. Exceptions

4.1 A work of art having fewer than 20 more negative votes than positive votes may not be claimed or torn down under the terms of this law.

4.2 Mentor shrines may not be claimed or torn down under the terms of this law.

DPER ( Demi-Pharaoh Election Reconfiguration)

[This is a valid law because it doesn't make the Test of the Kingmaker any easier, and it doesn't change the character of the Test. -Teppy]

This law will enable canadites running for DP the ability to flag(A) inactive citizens(B) in thier group thus making such flagged citizens from participating (C) in future elections(D) and hindering the progression of active citizens seeking DP status.

(A)Flagging This can be done at any Voting booth

(B) Inactive Citizen An Inactive citizen is one who has not logged in for 2 days (b1) a citizen that has been flagged can remove the flag within the timelimit of the round if they log in and visit a voting booth.

(C)Action If the inactive citizen does not remove flag they will be removed from participation of dp untill they sign up agian. (C1)If inactive citizen gets flagged without removal in 2 or more consecutive rounds he will be withheld from participation in DP rounds for the next 3 rounds.

Resin Information Law

Anyone who takes resin from a tree will be required to mark their name on the tree. Nicking the tree with a resin wedge will remove the marked name.


Departed and Absent Player Cleanup (DAPC)

A player will be considered Absent if they have not been paid for the past 31 days and have at some point been paid for a total of 3 months or more (not necessarily consecutive).

A player will be considered Departed if they have not been paid (or in the case of a Trial account have not logged in) for the past 31 days and have only ever been paid for 2 months or less total.

A guild will be considered Absent if all players in that guild are Absent or Departed. A guild will be considered Departed if all players in that guild are Departed.

The highest ranked non-Absent/non-Departed player in a guild may promote everyone of their rank to Elder.

If the owner of a building is Absent any paid player may "remove" the building. Removing a building will give all salvaged materials and all items held within the building to the owner (implementation is left up to the developers).

If the owner of a building is Departed any paid player may salvage or take ownership of the building.

Bad Art Removal Act (BRA)

Art that recieves a minimum of 21 votes for Eyesore, plus at least 3 votes of Eyesore for Each time it is voted intresting shall qualify as "Bad Art".

(Eyesore: 21+Eyesore 3 per Intresting 1)

Example 1 Intresting: 0 Eyesore: 21 Example 2 Intresting: 21 Eyesore: 84

Bad Art may be removed by any citizen of Egypt at any time.

Expansion of Demi-Pharaoh Ban Powers (DPE)

The Demi-Pharaoh Bans are a useful tool in maintaining order in Egypt, and the Legacy Law that allows DPs to do temporary bans instead of only permanent bans is a good expansion on that. However, that puts DPs in a bind - if they use a temp ban, and the person comes back and continues the behavior that they were banned for, that ban is effectively "wasted." Because of that, DPs are reluctant to use the shorter bans.

This law, if passed, will make escalated bans from the same DP to the same person all only count as one Ban usage.

Example: If JerkJoeBob is being a jerk, and DPDonna bans him for a day, and he comes back and continues being a jerk, she can then ban him for a week without consuming a second ban (and then a month, if he STILL keeps doing it, and finally perma-ban).

The purpose for this is that it would encourage DPs to use the lower bans without fear of using up most of their allotted bans on one trouble-maker.

Egypt Clean Up Act

[This law will replace all of the DAPC. There will no longer be a concept of an Absent player, and Fragile Chests will go away. Existing ones will become salvageable. -Teppy]

Departed is defined as 1) a player who is a trial account and has not logged in for a period of 14 days or 2) a person who has not paid their account for a period of 60 days after their account expires.

When an account expires an e-mail will be sent to the player, if on file, stating that they have 60 days to pay their account before their items are available to be claimed by other paid players. [Feature, but good idea - Teppy]

All players will have an option to designate an heir to their estate in the event that they become departed. This heir will have first rights to all property. If the heir does not claim the items within 14 days then the items will be available for any paid player to claim ownership or tear down.

Structures that degenerate to unusable can be claimed by a paid account and at that time the player can take ownership or tear down the structure. At this time the new owner has 24 hours to repair the compound or structure or the item will be released and able to be claimed by another citizen who has the same time frame mentioned above. [I'm assuming this applies only to those owned by departed players as defined above -Teppy]

Items that do not deteriorate can be claimed by a paid account and at that time the player can take ownership or tear down the structure.

Guilds should be handled in such a manner that if the owner becomes departed and no other elders remain then the people with the highest rank will all become elders in the guild. If there are no remaining members in the guild then a paid citizen may claim the guild and become the new owner or tear it down.

Public Mine and Raeli Oven Facilitation Act

1. The owner of a mine/Raeli oven may set a percentage of the output to go directly into the inventory of the user. If this option is set, the contents of the mine/Raeli oven may not be accessed by anyone other than the owner, even if the mine is public. Pulls going directly into inventory also include any gems discovered on that pull.

[I will implement this as a simple timer that begins on a pull made during a non-timed period, and such periods will be one hour. -Teppy] 2. The owner of a mine may set a limit on number of pulls permitted over a given time period. The mine may not be used once this limit has been reached until sufficient time has passed to bring the number of pulls below the limit. This limit applies to the mine itself, and is not per-avatar.

3. If the building is damageable or requires maintenance through use there will be an option to allow/disallow repairs/maintenance to be done by the public.

Abandoned Flax Act 2

We the people of Egypt hereby request that Teppy implement the following Harvestable Flax Duration to combat the current and future plague of Abandoned Harvestable Flax as follows:

1. Harvestable Flax beds will be declared Abandoned after 5 (Real) Days, at which time any player may choose to "Salvage the Harvest" of the flax bed and receive whatever yield of flax would normally be available for that specific variety of flax.

Note: For the purposes of this request, Harvestable Flax is defined as a flax bed that has been weeded/watered to the point in which it can be harvested.

Informing Immigrants of Mentorship s Value Act

Display the following message or an equivalent in tone when a new player requests a Decree: "You recieve one Decree of Mentorship. This can be given to another citizen as proof that they have mentored you in the ways of this land, and through them that citizen may advance in the Disipline of Leadership. You will only recieve one per the first seven levels you gain. Be warned, there are those who would gain them by unscrupulous means to gain the glory of Mentorship without truly teaching their 'pupils'."

Explosives Safety Act

This law prevents anonymous malicious use of explosives.

Any building which has been damaged by an explosion will have an option under Utilities which displays the name of the player who cased the most recent damage.

Explosions include those caused by explosives in a players inventory, those set off by detonation charge, an explosion in a chemistry lab or detonation box, and any other building damage caused by explosives.

Technical Note: If it is easier for Teppy to implement it so that all buildings have this option under the Utilities menu then the default value for a building which has never been damaged should be Pharaoh.