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<td style="color: white;" bgcolor="#8b008b">DarkMagenta (#8B008B)</td>
<td style="color: white;" bgcolor="#8b008b">DarkMagenta (#8B008B)</td>
<td bgcolor="#556b2f">DarkOliveGreen (#556B2F)</td>
<td style="color: white;" bgcolor="#556b2f">DarkOliveGreen (#556B2F)</td>
<td bgcolor="#ff8c00">DarkOrange (#FF8C00)</td>
<td bgcolor="#ff8c00">DarkOrange (#FF8C00)</td>
<td bgcolor="#9932cc">DarkOrchid (#9932CC)</td>
<td style="color: white;" bgcolor="#9932cc">DarkOrchid (#9932CC)</td>
<td style="color: white;" bgcolor="#8b0000">DarkRed (#8B0000)</td>
<td style="color: white;" bgcolor="#8b0000">DarkRed (#8B0000)</td>

Latest revision as of 17:39, 22 February 2012

This is the list of all possible colors in ATITD for paint and Raeli Tiles, and their associated hex codes for making your wiki page pretty :)

AliceBlue (#F0F8FF) AntiqueWhite (#FAEBD7) Aqua (#00FFFF) Aquamarine (#7FFFD4)
Azure (#F0FFFF) Beige (#F5F5DC) Bisque (#FFE4C4) Black (#000000)
BlanchedAlmond (#FFEBCD) Blue (#0000FF) BlueViolet (#8A2BE2) Brown (#A52A2A)
Burlywood (#DEB887) CadetBlue (#5F9EA0) Carrot (#E07020) Chartreuse (#7FFF00)
Chocolate (#D2691E) Coral (#FF7F50) CornflowerBlue (#6495ED) Cornsilk (#FFF8DC)
Crimson (#DC143C) DarkBlue (#00008B) DarkCyan (#008B8B) DarkGoldenrod (#B8860B)
DarkGray (#A9A9A9) DarkGreen (#006400) DarkKhaki (#BDB76B) DarkMagenta (#8B008B)
DarkOliveGreen (#556B2F) DarkOrange (#FF8C00) DarkOrchid (#9932CC) DarkRed (#8B0000)
DarkSalmon (#E9967A) DarkSeaGreen (#8FBC8F) DarkSlateBlue (#483D8B) DarkSlateGray (#2F4F4F)
DarkTurquoise (#00CED1) DarkViolet (#9400D3) DeepPink (#FF1493) DeepSkyBlue (#00BFFF)
DimGray (#696969) DodgerBlue (#1E90FF) Feldspar (#D19275) FireBrick (#B22222)
FloralWhite (#FFFAF0) ForestGreen (#228B22) Fuchsia (#FF00FF) Gainsboro (#DCDCDC)
GhostWhite (#F8F8FF) Gold (#FFD700) Goldenrod (#DAA520) Gray (#808080)
Green (#008000) GreenYellow (#ADFF2F) Honeydew (#F0FFF0) HotPink (#FF69B4)
IndianRed (#CD5C5C) Indigo (#4B0082) Ivory (#FFFFF0) Khaki (#F0E68C)
Lavender (#E6E6FA) LavenderBlush (#FFF0F5) LawnGreen (#7CFC00) LemonChiffon (#FFFACD)
LightBlue (#ADD8E6) LightCoral (#F08080) LightCyan (#E0FFFF) LightGoldenrodYellow (#FAFAD2)
LightGreen (#90EE90) LightGrey (#D3D3D3) LightPink (#FFB6C1) LightSalmon (#FFA07A)
LightSeaGreen (#20B2AA) LightSkyBlue (#87CEFA) LightSlateBlue (#8470FF) LightSlateGray (#778899)
LightSteelBlue (#B0C4DE) LightYellow (#FFFFE0) Lime (#00FF00) LimeGreen (#32CD32)
Linen (#FAF0E6) Maroon (#800000) MediumAquamarine (#66CDAA) MediumBlue (#0000CD)
MediumOrchid (#BA55D3) MediumPurple (#9370DB) MediumSeaGreen (#3CB371) MediumSlateBlue (#7B68EE)
MediumSpringGreen (#00FA9A) MediumTurquoise (#48D1CC) MediumVioletRed (#C71585) MidnightBlue (#191970)
MintCream (#F5FFFA) MistyRose (#FFE4E1) Moccasin (#FFE4B5) NavajoWhite (#FFDEAD)
Navy (#000080) OldLace (#FDF5E6) Olive (#808000) OliveDrab (#6B8E23)
Orange (#FFA500) OrangeRed (#FF4500) Orchid (#DA70D6) PaleGoldenrod (#EEE8AA)
PaleGreen (#98FB98) PaleTurquoise (#AFEEEE) PaleVioletRed (#DB7093) PapayaWhip (#FFEFD5)
PeachPuff (#FFDAB9) Peru (#CD853F) Pink (#FFC0CB) Plum (#DDA0DD)
PowderBlue (#B0E0E6) Purple (#800080) Red (#FF0000) RosyBrown (#BC8F8F)
RoyalBlue (#4169E1) SaddleBrown (#8B4513) Salmon (#FA8072) SandyBrown (#F4A460)
SeaGreen (#2E8B57) Seashell (#FFF5EE) Sienna (#A0522D) Silver (#C0C0C0)
SkyBlue (#87CEEB) SlateBlue (#6A5ACD) SlateGray (#708090) Snow (#FFFAFA)
SpringGreen (#00FF7F) SteelBlue (#4682B4) Tan (#D2B48C) Teal (#008080)
Thistle (#D8BFD8) Tomato (#FF6347) Turquoise (#40E0D0) Violet (#EE82EE)
VioletRed (#D02090) Wheat (#F5DEB3) White (#FFFFFF) WhiteSmoke (#F5F5F5)
Yellow (#FFFF00) YellowGreen (#9ACD32)