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Fishing Infographic

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This infographic in a Monthly format can be found Here

Fishing Infographic

If you note any additions needed for the infographic, please contact Porthos in game.
Catches - 7.jpg

Infographic Explanation

The Fishing Infographic has all 42 of the Uncommon Fish catchable in Egypt.

It does not list the 7 common fish Abdju, Carp, Catfish, Chromis, Perch, Phargus, Tilipia as those can be caught anytime, anywhere with the right lure, so in total 49 Fish are catchable in T7. Refer to Common Fish for best lures for Commmon.

Also in T7, Oxyrynchus size 1db may be caught outside of the normal Season.

FF# is Fly Fishing skill needed to avoid getting the 'odd fish' message (you have a chance to catch that improves with the rod even if you are below the recommended skill level in T7).

Italics indicate a strange fish that you may need several casts to catch if you don't have a rod of high enough quality for that fish. Reference: Fishing Rods

(Spd>#) is recommended speed to avoid being too slow to catch this fish. You may need several casts to successfully catch if below this speed.

Data in tabular form with example locations for fish is at Trials.

The first and last month the fish will be smaller sizes and harder to catch in general.

The best time to catch is in the middle of the time spread indicated. At the right location and with best lure you may also be able to catch outside of the indicated time window by a few hours

Over a 20db size difference exists depending on in-game coordinates. Egypt is divided into 64x64 fishing grids with best spots are usually at +/- 1 a fishing grid boundary, so it takes alot of searching to find the best spots or the really rare fish. As Egypt can be thought of as 10,000's of fishing zones, there are lots of potential spots to check, and each fish type can be caught in many zones throughout Egypt.

The recommended insects to use are bolded in red and legend is below.

Abv. Insect
AC Ash Centipede
BA Bat Mite
BB Blister Beetle
BL Bloodworm
BR Bristleworm
CA Camel Weevil
CL Clearwing
CM Corn Maggot
CO Corkscrew Asp
CS Clay Slug
DF Dew Fly
DM Desert Millipede
FE Feather Midge
FO Footworm
FR Fruit Maggot
GO Golden Asp
GS Grass Slug
GW Glass Worm
HH Horned Hookworm
HO Honey Fly
HS Hairy Slug
LH Leaf Hopper
LS Leaf Snapper
MU Mud Asp
NE Needleworm
NI Nightwing
NP Nippleworm
OH Orchid Hopper
OY Oyster Mite
PS Pickle Slug
QM Queen Maggot
RA Raspberry Moth
RC Red Cricket
RI Rigned Wasp
RO Rose Mite
RS Rose Swallowtail
RU Ruby Hornborer
SA Salt Mite
SB Snowberry Butterfly
SK Skinlicker
SL Slime Moth
SN Sand Mite
SP Spittlebug
ST Stonefly
TS Toad Sawfly
WA Wooly Aphid
WM White Mealybug
WO Woodmoth
WS White Sawfly