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User:Peter/DP Questions

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  • Q1. For those who have never had the opportunity to interact with you before can you share a little about yourself, what you enjoy about ATITD as well as how long you have been playing?

A1: This is my first Tale, I had a month or so in T6 but I joined T7 about 6 months into the telling and have played almost every day and loved every minute! I knew OneBanana and he set me up in RP but I was all about the herbs so set a base up in VOK. I joined a number of guilds HHOF, zFree and set my sights on making some aquaduct pumping stations, one for VOK and one for 4C. Prospecting for marble I really enjoyed and later playing in the chem labs making compounds are some of my new found activities I enjoy. I enjoy helping out with tech research and searching for herbing spots for the Seedquest guild

  • Q2. As some specific examples, would you consider any of the following playstyles as worthy of DP intervention? Obelisk queue violation, bonfiring of a clay patches to prevent others from building, using large quantities of alts to rig elections, mentorship advancement, or other test passes?

A2: No. While some of those situations might be ok for some discussion/mediation/arbitration, they do not warrant the use of DP powers.

  • Q3. If the general consensus of the rest of the DPs were that that person should not be banned, but you felt strongly that they should, what would you do?

A3: I typically don't feel that strongly about such things, but I would most likely listen to the other DPs in such a case and maybe agree to disagree. A ban is a very serious thing, and should only be the very last resort if nothing else works to solve the situation.

  • Q4. How's your progress in other Leadership tests?

A4: I have passed kingmaker, pirates, bureaucrat, hegemon, patronage, coalition, and plantation. As I am already an Oracle of Leadership this tale, I do not need to pass DP to become one. So now I am mostly just pursuing it to see if it can help me help the people of Egypt better. :)

  • Q5. How are you providing leadership in the game and amongst the player base?

A5: I have lead a few digs for Gypsum as I run Gypsum Diggers guild. I am an Elder in HHOF and Partiarch in zFree and GVF Ovens so I help out answering questions and some organisational aspects in the wh and compounds and general helping people out.

  • Q6. What specifically have you done to further the growth of the community?

A6: I usually try to make sure all players I come across feel welcome, and that they find what they are looking for and usually gift them a few new items.

  • Q7. How many Egypt-wide events e.g Acro, Digs or others have you organized in T7?

A7: A few digs up in VOK.

  • Q8. Spouselog allows access to ban powers. Do you know who have access to your spouse account?

A8: Yes my Spouse is Crashley. A few people know her account login but are long standing players or already DP's.

  • Q9. As DP do you think you should share your password? Do you think a DP should have access to other DP accounts?

A9: I never share my passwords with anyone ever regardless of DP status. Crashley's account was already setup before I joined the tale, I have got to know the friends and family that setup her account and would trust the all not to abuse the power. When someone is elected as DP, we put our trust both in them, and in their ability to know who they can trust.

  • Q10. What other powers would you like to see DPs hold, in the interests of improving game play?

A10: In most cases that warrant a DP ban, the person also knows how to avoid bans, so it would probably be nice with some kind of jail power like GMs have, but then again if that is needed then GMs can sometimes provide it. In any case, any power a DP has should be announced in system when it is used, like they do now.

  • Q11. What question would you like to be asked, and why?

A11: Q: Have you found all the herbs this tale?

A: No there are still 2 herbs I have never seen this Tale? Deadwood Tree and Deadly catsclaw! QQ: Why would you want to be asked this question?

AA: Because I really enjoy herbing and foraging and discussing herbing spots and rare herb sightings, always up for a herb seed exchange :)

  • Q12. Closing statement.

A12: I am honoured to be here, and enjoyed playing in Egypt with you all so thank you for the fun times. Thank you if you consider voting for me, and for reading this! :)