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Difference between revisions of "User:TamBlack/Macros"

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Line 1: Line 1:
//Charcoal Hearth
//Charcoal Hearth
Line 77: Line 76:
   RGBGreen = 240
   RGBGreen = 240
   Guild = 1
   Guild = 1
   // Y Coordinates - Don't change unless you are having a problem.
   // Y Coordinates - Don't change unless you are having a problem.
   RegY = 74      // Y coord for Regulator button
   RegY = 69//74      // Y coord for Regulator button
   BeginY = 245  // Y coord for Begin Button
   BeginY = 240//245  // Y coord for Begin Button
   HeatY = 156    // Y coord for Heat Bar
   HeatY = 151//156    // Y coord for Heat Bar
   WoodY = 180    // Y coord for Wood Bar
   WoodY = 175//180    // Y coord for Wood Bar
   WaterY = 192  // Y coord for Water Bar
   WaterY = 187//192  // Y coord for Water Bar
   DangerY = 204  // Y coord for Danger Bar
   DangerY = 199//204  // Y coord for Danger Bar
   StatusY = 216  // Y coord for Status Bar
   StatusY = 211//216  // Y coord for Status Bar
   WoodBY = 250  // Y coord for Wood and Water buttons
   WoodBY = 245//250  // Y coord for Wood and Water buttons
   //End User variables
   //End User variables
Line 501: Line 499:
     Delay 2000
     Delay 2000
MousePos 104, 251
     MousePos $BeginX, $BeginY
     MousePos $BeginX, $BeginY
     Delay 2000
     Delay 2000
Line 509: Line 507:
//Written with ACTool 5.3.0 by Anka
//Written with ACTool 5.3.0 by Anka
Bell Asterisk
Bell Asterisk

Revision as of 20:34, 22 July 2009

//Charcoal Hearth // // Make sure TAKE is NOT an option!! Only use SETUP option ONCE!! // // I've made some improvements to the Hearth macro. Depending on your resolution, // the macro will run up to 12 guilded hearths. I've tested it in 1280x960 // resolution without any need to change values. It may work in other resolutions // also but I have not been able to test it. If you are using personal hearths, // it will run up to 10 in 1280x960. Maximum number in 1024x768 is 8. // // Setup: I've added a setup routine to the macro. Pin the windows on top of each // other in the top left corner. I suggest at least 200 wood per hearth // and about 15 water per hearth to be safe. All hearths are slightly // different but I suggest that you put your fastest burning hearths first // in line. You can tweak the settings in the built in menu. // // Hearths: Total number of hearths you are running. // Hearths Across: How many Hearths on the top row of windows. Make sure // you set this each time even if you are running 1 hearth. // Variables in the macro are set off of this number. // Guilded?: Check this box if you are using guilded hearths. // Need Setup?: Check this box if you need the macro to position your // windows that are stacked in top left corner. This is // usefull if you run another round on the hearths and your // windows are set up already. Check if needed or not. // Stealth Mouse: Check this if you don't want to see the mouse move around // on the hearth windows. When checked, it will save your // mouse position, move to the spot it needs, perform its // action then return the pointer to where it started. Alows // you to change chat windows are dig in chest while the // macro is running :) // Heat: Threshold for Heat bar, increase or decrease as needed. If heat // reaches this lvl, water will be added. // Wood: Wood threshold, adds wood up to this point. // Water: Alowable water level, not much play here. If the water lvl is above // this lvl, water will not be added. Prevents drowning the hearth. // RGBGreen: Used to detect completion bar. If the macro adds a bunch of water // before the macro is done then moves to the next hearth, increase // this number. Or lower it if it doesnt see green. // RGBBlue: Works just like RGBGreen but for blue bars. If the macro keeps // adding wood till the hearth is full, it's not seeing blue. If // this happens, lower this number. Other problem may be that the // mouse pointer is not lining up over the bar correctly. Run the // Mouse Test. // Check Bars Interval: This is the pause time between bar checks. The // default value of 4000 works well for 1-8 hearths // but you may need to decrease this number if you // are running more than 8. // Mouse Test: This is to test if the mouse pointer is lining up correctly // with your windows. Run 1 hearth manually and start the macro // with this option checked. You don't need to worry about any // other option. It will move over the Heat, Wood, Water, Danger, // and Status bar then over the Wood and Water buttons 10 times // before it stops. If these positions are off a bit, you can // change the Y coordinates below in the constants section. // // The macro doesn't watch Oxygen. I was going to add a vent option but this // macro runs very well and never fails for me. If your oxygen is getting too // high, try adding more wood. But, by adding more wood, you add more heat // which may require you adding more water. A small amount of water in the // presence of heat evaporates producing more Oxygen. :) Find the balance // you want. // // ENJOY! :) Come visit me in LE :) 780, 6956 I have a large bar with tasting // tables and hookahs. // Anka // Constants

 //User Definable variables
 Hearths = 4
 HeatX = 165
 WoodX = 107
 WaterX = 76
 DangerX = 164
 RGBBlue = 220
 RGBGreen = 240
 Guild = 1
 // Y Coordinates - Don't change unless you are having a problem.
 RegY = 69//74      // Y coord for Regulator button
 BeginY = 240//245   // Y coord for Begin Button
 HeatY = 151//156    // Y coord for Heat Bar
 WoodY = 175//180    // Y coord for Wood Bar
 WaterY = 187//192   // Y coord for Water Bar
 DangerY = 199//204  // Y coord for Danger Bar
 StatusY = 211//216  // Y coord for Status Bar
 WoodBY = 245//250   // Y coord for Wood and Water buttons
 //End User variables
 Hrow = 0
 Hrow1 = 0
 AddX = 226
 Add2X = 15
 Add1Y = 65
 Add2Y = 17
 Add3Y = 250
 RegX = 47
 BeginX = 111
 NewX = 0
 New2X = 0
 New2Y = 0
 NewY = 0
 Heat = 0
 Wood = 0
 Water = 0
 Danger = 0
 Status = 0
 OxyY = 168
 StatusX = 167
 WoodBX = 35
 WaterBX = 85
 Num = 0
 Jump = 5
 JumpM = 0
 Jumped = 0
 Used = 0
 MDelay = 250
 SDelay = 200
 S1Delay = 100
 Count = 0
 CountM = 0
 MouseX = 0
 MouseY = 0
 CheckDelay = 0
 Setup = 0
 SetX = 10
 SetY = 40
 SetAddX = 227
 SetAddY = 250
 SetLoop = 0
 Mouse = 1
 OrigX = 0
 OrigY = 0


Form ccHearth, Settings

 ed1=Combobox:Hearths:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
 ed13=Editbox:Hearths Across:4
 ed14=Checkbox:Need Setup?:True
 ed15=Checkbox:Stealth Mouse:False
 ed3=Editbox:Heat                  (75-188):165
 //ed10=Editbox:HeatMin            (75-188):116
 //ed11=Editbox:HeatMax           (75-188):184
 //ed4=Editbox:Low Oxy            (75-188):82
 //ed5=Editbox:High Oxy           (75-188):134
 ed6=Editbox:Wood                (75-188):107
 ed7=Editbox:Water                (75-188):76
 ed12=Editbox:Check Bars Interval  (miliseconds):4000
 ed16=Checkbox:Mouse Check:False


FormLoad ccHearth, ccHearth.frm

if ShowForm ccHearth

 SetConst Hearths = ccHearth[ed1]
 If ccHearth[ed2] = True
   SetConst Guild = 1
   SetConst Guild = 0
 SetConst HeatX = ccHearth[ed3]
 //SetConst Oxy1X = ccHearth[ed4]
 //SetConst Oxy2X = ccHearth[ed5]
 SetConst WoodX = ccHearth[ed6]
 SetConst WaterX = ccHearth[ed7]
 SetConst RGBGreen = ccHearth[ed8]
 SetConst RGBBlue = ccHearth[ed9]
 //SetConst HeatMin = ccHearth[ed10]
 //SetConst HeatMax = ccHearth[ed11]
 SetConst CheckDelay = ccHearth[ed12]
 Set HRow = ccHearth[ed13]
 Compute SetLoop = $Hearths - 1
 Compute HRow1 = $Hrow + 1
 If ccHearth[ed15] = True
   Set Mouse = 0




FormSave ccHearth, ccHearth.frm

MousePos 100, 20 //Activates eGenesis window.. Don't run ACTool maximized. Delay $MDelay LeftClick Delay 2000

If $Guild = 1

 Call Guild

End if ccHearth[ed16] = True

 Call HearthTest

End If ccHearth[ed14] = True

 Call Setup


Call SetReg SetConst NewX = $BeginX SetConst NewY = $BeginY SetConst Count = 1 Loop $Hearths

 If $Count = $HRow1 //$Jump
   SetConst NewX = $BeginX
   Compute NewY = $BeginY + $Add3Y
 MousePos $NewX, $NewY
 Delay $MDelay
 Delay $MDelay
 Compute NewX = $NewX + $AddX
 Compute Count = $Count + 1

End SetConst NewX = $BeginX //Dont remember why this is here :) Call Main

Procedure Setup

 Set NewX = $SetX
 Set NewY = $SetY
 Loop $SetLoop
   Mousepos $SetX, $SetY
   if {loopno} = $HRow
     Set NewX = $SetX
     Compute NewY = $SetY + $SetAddY
     Compute NewX = $NewX + $SetAddX
   Dragto $NewX, $NewY


Procedure Main

 SetConst CountM = 1
 SetConst Status = 0
 Compute JumpM = $HRow1 - 1 //$Jump - 1
 Loop $Hearths
   If $CountM = $HRow1 //$Jump
     // may have to use New Newx and newy variables in Main
     SetConst NewX = $StatusX
     Compute NewY = $StatusY + $Add3Y
     SetConst New2X = $WaterBX
     Compute New2Y = $WoodBY + $Add3Y
   While $Status = 0
     Call CheckBars
     If $Status = 1
       Call Snuff
       //code to advance to next hearth
       Compute Used = $Used + 1
       If $Used = $JumpM
         Compute HeatX = $HeatX - (($Used - 1) * $AddX)
         Compute HeatY = $HeatY + $Add3Y
         Compute WoodX = $WoodX - (($Used - 1) * $AddX)
         Compute WoodY = $WoodY + $Add3Y
         Compute WaterX = $WaterX - (($Used - 1) * $AddX)
         Compute WaterY = $WaterY + $Add3Y
         Compute DangerX = $DangerX - (($Used - 1) * $AddX)
         Compute DangerY = $DangerY + $Add3Y
         Compute StatusX = $StatusX - (($Used - 1) * $AddX)
         Compute StatusY = $StatusY + $Add3Y
         //Compute WaterBX = $WaterBX - (($Used -1) * $AddX)
         //Compute WoodBX = $WoodBX - (($Used - 1 ) * $AddX)
         //Compute WoodBY = $WoodBY + $Add3Y
         SetConst Jumped = 1
         Compute HeatX = $HeatX + $AddX
         Compute WoodX = $WoodX + $AddX
         Compute WaterX = $WaterX + $AddX
         Compute DangerX = $DangerX + $AddX
         Compute StatusX = $StatusX + $AddX
         //Compute WaterBX = $WaterBX + $AddX
         //Compute WoodBX = $WoodBX + $AddX
     If $Heat = 0 and $Danger = 0 and $Wood = 0
       Call Wood
       If $Heat = 1 or $Danger = 1
         If $Water = 0
           Call Water
     Delay $CheckDelay
   Compute CountM = $CountM + 1
   SetConst Status = 0


Procedure CheckBars

 If $Mouse = 1
   MousePos $HeatX, $HeatY
   Delay $SDelay
 LoadRGB $HeatX, $HeatY
 if {RGBBlue} > $RGBBlue
   SetConst Heat = 1
   SetConst Heat = 0
 If $Mouse = 1
   MousePos $WoodX, $WoodY
   Delay $S1Delay
 LoadRGB $WoodX, $WoodY
 if {RGBBlue} > $RGBBlue
   SetConst Wood = 1
   SetConst Wood = 0
 If $Mouse = 1
   MousePos $WaterX, $WaterY
   Delay $S1Delay
 LoadRGB $WaterX, $WaterY
 if {RGBBlue} > $RGBBlue
   SetConst Water = 1
   SetConst Water = 0
 If $Mouse = 1
   MousePos $DangerX, $DangerY
   Delay $S1Delay
 LoadRGB $DangerX, $DangerY
 if {RGBBlue} > $RGBBlue
   SetConst Danger = 1
   SetConst Danger = 0
 If $Mouse = 1
   MousePos $StatusX, $StatusY
 LoadRGB $StatusX, $StatusY
 if {RGBGreen} > $RGBGreen
   SetConst Status = 1
   SetConst Status = 0


Procedure Water

 SetConst NewX = $WaterBX
 SetConst NewY = $WoodBY
 Loop $Hearths
   IF {loopno} = $HRow1 //$Jump
     SetConst NewX = $WaterBX
     Compute NewY = $WoodBY + $Add3Y
   If {loopno} > $Used
     If $Mouse = 0
       Set OrigX = {mousex}
       Set OrigY = {mousey}
     MousePos $NewX, $NewY
     Delay $SDelay
     Delay $SDelay
     If $Mouse = 0
       Mousepos $OrigX, $OrigY
   Compute NewX = $NewX + $AddX
 SetConst NewX = $WaterBX


Procedure Snuff

 SetConst New2X = $WaterBX
 SetConst New2Y = $WoodBY
 Compute Num = $Used + 1
 Loop $Hearths
   IF {loopno} = $Hrow1 //$Jump
     SetConst New2X = $WaterBX
     Compute New2Y = $WoodBY + $Add3Y
   If {loopno} = $Num
     If $Mouse = 0
       Set OrigX = {mousex}
       Set OrigY = {mousey}
     MousePos $New2X, $New2Y
     Loop 8
     If $Mouse = 0
       Mousepos $OrigX, $OrigY
   Compute New2X = $New2X + $AddX


Procedure Wood

 SetConst NewX = $WoodBX
 SetConst NewY = $WoodBY
 Loop $Hearths
   IF {loopno} = $HRow1 //$Jump
     SetConst NewX = $WoodBX
     Compute NewY = $WoodBY + $Add3Y
   If {loopno} > $Used
     If $Mouse = 0
       Set OrigX = {mousex}
       Set OrigY = {mousey}
     MousePos $NewX, $NewY
     Delay $SDelay
     Delay $SDelay
     If $Mouse = 0
       MousePos $OrigX, $OrigY
   Compute NewX = $NewX + $AddX
 SetConst NewX = $WoodBX


Procedure SetReg

 SetConst NewX = $RegX
 SetConst Count = 1
 Loop $Hearths
   If $Count = $HRow1
     SetConst NewX = $RegX
     Compute RegY = $RegY + $Add3Y
   MousePos $NewX, $RegY
   Delay $MDelay
   Compute NewX = $NewX + $Add2X
   If $Count > $HRow
     Compute NewY = $RegY + $Add2Y
     Compute NewY = $RegY + $Add1Y
   MousePos $NewX, $NewY
   Delay $MDelay
   Delay $MDelay
   Compute NewX = $NewX + $AddX
   Compute Count = $Count + 1
 SetConst NewX = $RegX
 SetConst Count = 1


Procedure Guild

 Compute BeginX = $BeginX - 7
 Compute BeginY = $BeginY + 16
 Compute RegY = $RegY + 16
 Compute RegX = $RegX - 14
 Compute AddX = $AddX - 15
 Compute Add3Y = $Add3Y + 16
 Compute Add1Y = $Add1Y - 16
 Compute WoodBY = $WoodBY + 16
 Compute HeatX = $HeatX - 4
 Compute HeatY = $HeatY + 16
 Compute WoodX = $WoodX - 1
 Compute WoodY = $WoodY + 16
 Compute WaterY = $WaterY + 16
 Compute DangerX = $DangerX - 4
 Compute DangerY = $DangerY + 16
 Compute StatusX = $StatusX - 5
 Compute StatusY = $StatusY + 16
 Set SetAddX = 212
 Set SetAddY = 266


Procedure HearthTest

 Loop 1
   MousePos $HeatX, $HeatY
   Delay 2000
   MousePos $WoodX, $WoodY
   Delay 2000
   MousePos $WaterX, $WaterY
   Delay 2000
   MousePos $DangerX, $DangerY
   Delay 2000
   MousePos $StatusX, $StatusY
   Delay 2000
   MousePos $WoodBX, $WoodBY
   Delay 2000
   MousePos $WaterBX, $WoodBY
   Delay 2000

MousePos 104, 251

   MousePos $BeginX, $BeginY
   Delay 2000

End //Written with ACTool 5.3.0 by Anka Bell Asterisk