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Laws/Bastet/Sticky Fingers Prevention Act

From A Tale in the Desert
Revision as of 23:22, 1 June 2010 by Set Bastet (talk | contribs) (New page: Petition by Set (0 signatures, 1 petitioners) --------------------------------- Sticky Fingers Prevention Act When residents of Egypt harvest Cactus Sap, Resin, or Dates and do not also ...)
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Petition by Set (0 signatures, 1 petitioners)

Sticky Fingers Prevention Act

When residents of Egypt harvest Cactus Sap, Resin, or Dates and do not also Injure, Nick, or Fertilize at the time of harvesting, it leads to sticky fingers. Sticky fingers are a blight upon Egypt. The stickiness gets everywhere! In order to minimize this sticky problem, from this time forward the following will be true:

A) The act of harvesting Cactus Sap from a Royal Cactus, shall also injure said Cactus at the same time.

B) No Resin shall be harvested from any tree unless the harvesting Egyptian is carrying a Resin Wedge at the time of harvesting.

C) No Dates shall be harvested from any tree unless the harvesting Egyptian is carrying Saltpeter at the time of Harvesting.

If any subpart of this law is deemed invalid for any reason, the other subparts shall be considered the whole of the law.