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User:Nisu Bastet/macro/quarry

From A Tale in the Desert
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Revision as of 17:44, 15 May 2010 by Nisu Bastet (talk | contribs) (New page: == AHK Macro == ;Quarry macro from T3 ;need to adjust end timer <pre> ^+m:: ;Strg Shift m marmor marble ;Position of this quarry worker: 1 through 4 myPosition := 1 ; ich bin der ers...)
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AHK Macro

Quarry macro from T3
need to adjust end timer

^+m:: ;Strg Shift m marmor marble
;Position of this quarry worker: 1 through 4
myPosition := 1 ; ich bin der erste der in der alphabetischen reihenfolge klicken muss

;The y coordinate of each dash (coords relative to window)
y1 := 95 ;plus 27 mit titelbar (68)
y2 := 111 ;plus  mit titelbar 
y3 := 127 ;plus  mit titelbar
y4 := 143 ;plus  mit titelbar
y1 := 111 ;gildenquarry +16
y2 := 127 
y3 := 143 
y4 := 159 

  IfWinActive, eGenesis Client
    if ( endTimer() = 0 and GetKeyState("LButton") = 0 )
      BlockInput, MouseMove
      MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
      ;An empty part of the quarry window where it will click to refresh the window
      MouseClick, right, 70, 57, 1, 0
;      MouseMove, MouseX, MouseY, 0
      BlockInput, MouseMoveOff
      Sleep, 400

      yCount := 0
      Loop, 4
        yCount += 1
        ;163 is the x coordinate of the beginning of the -- dash after 'Eastern'
        count := 164
        Loop, 14
          PixelGetColor, color%count%, count, y%yCount%
          count += 1

        ;same as above
        count := 164
        match := 0
        Loop, 14
          if ( match = 4 and color%count% != 0 )
            lastPixel := count - 1
          if ( color%count% = 0 )
            match += 1
            match := 0
          count += 1
        position%yCount% := 0
        ; Here the numbers 166, 171, 173, and 175 are the x coords of the *last* pixel of each dash...
        ; 166 is the dash after Eastern, 171 after Western, 173 after Northern, 175 after Southern 
; mel: x+4-3 y+34
        if ( lastPixel = 167 ) ;east
          position%yCount% := 0
        if ( lastPixel = 174 ) ;north
          position%yCount% := 4
        if ( lastPixel = 176 ) ;south
          position%yCount% := 8
        if ( lastPixel = 172 ) ;west
          position%yCount% := 12
        PixelGetColor, color1, lastPixel+3, y%yCount%-4
        PixelGetColor, color2, lastPixel+3, y%yCount%+4
        PixelGetColor, color3, lastPixel+3, y%yCount%+1
        PixelGetColor, color4, lastPixel+2, y%yCount%+3

        if ( color1 = 0 and color2 = 0 )
          position%yCount% += 1
        if ( color1 != 0 and color2 = 0 )
          position%yCount% += 2
        if ( color3 = 0 )
          position%yCount% += 3
        if ( color4 != 0 )
          position%yCount% += 4


      count := 16
      place := 5
      Loop, 16
        if ( position1 = count )
          place -= 1
          if ( place = myPosition )
            clickPosition := 1
        if ( position2 = count )
          place -= 1
          if ( place = myPosition )
            clickPosition := 2
        if ( position3 = count )
          place -= 1
          if ( place = myPosition )
            clickPosition := 3
        if ( position4 = count )
          place -= 1
          if ( place = myPosition )
            clickPosition := 4
        count -= 1

;    ToolTip, lastPixel: %lastPixel%`nposition1: %position1%`nposition2: %position2%`nposition3: %position3%`nposition4: %position4%`nclickPosition: %clickPosition%, 500, 0, 5
      if ( lastPosition1 != position1 or lastPosition2 != position2 or lastPosition3 != position3 or lastPosition4 != position4 )

 ;       MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY

        MouseClick, right, 34, y%clickPosition%, 1, 0 ;clicks quarry
;        MouseMove, MouseX, MouseY, 0
      lastPosition1 := position1
      lastPosition2 := position2
      lastPosition3 := position3
      lastPosition4 := position4
  Sleep, 1000

  PixelGetColor, color, 199, 911  ;checks endurance
;geschicke kleinziehen aber nicht schliessen
  PixelGetColor, color2, 257, 898  ;checks if food avaible
;konsume gegrillten fisch neben geschicke fenster unten
  if ( color != 0 and color2 = 0 )
    MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
    MouseClick, right, 354, 902, 1, 0
    MouseMove, MouseX, MouseY, 0
    return 1
  return 0

WinGetPos, , , w, h, eGenesis Client
  ImageSearch, , , w-300, 0, w, 200, end.png
  if ErrorLevel = 0 ;bild da
    return 1
  if ErrorLevel = 1 ;bild nicht da
    return 0
  return 2
;end marmor macro inclusiv function