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Gebt's Essential Compound Extract Recipes - Not Released Yet

These are not the only combinations that will produce these extracts... other combinations may be possible.

Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Essence 1 Essence 2 Essence 3 Essence 4 Essence 5
Ar-- As-- Delta Palm Discorea Dwarf Hogweed Elephantia Fern Palm
Ar-- As-- Common Sage Covage Crampbark Creeping Thyme Daggerleaf
Ar-- As++ Pale Russet Panoe Passam Pippali Red Maple
Ar-- As++ Mirabellis Fern Monkey Palm Morpha Motherwort Red Maple
Ar-- Bi-- Beetle Leaf Beetlenut Black Pepper Plant Bloodbark Blue Tarafern
Ar-- Bi-- Banto Beetle Leaf Beetlenut Bloodbark Blue Damia
Ar-- Bi++ Bloodbark Bluebottle Clover Blue Damia Blue Tarafern Bramble Hedge
Ar-- Bi++ Black Pepper Plant Bloodbark Bluebottle Clover Blue Damia Bramble Hedge
Ar-- Sa-- Hazlewort Hokkaido Honey Mint Houseleek Indigo Damia
Ar-- Sa-- Gynura Harebell Hawthorn Hazlewort Hokkaido
Ar-- Sa++ Folded Birch Fool's Agar Fumitory Giant Cricklewood Ginger Root
Ar-- Sa++ Fleabane Folded Birch Fool's Agar Fumitory Giant Cricklewood
Ar-- So-- Indigo Damia Kaeshra Katako Root Lemondrop Locust Palm
Ar-- So-- Bloodbark Bluebottle Clover Blue Damia Blue Tarafern Bramble Hedge
Ar-- So++ Beetlenut Black Pepper Plant Bloodbark Bluebottle Clover Buckler-leaf
Ar-- So++ Beetle Leaf Beetlenut Black Pepper Plant Bloodbark Common Sage
Ar-- Sp-- Pale Ochoa Pale Russet Panoe Passam Pippali
Ar-- Sp-- Beetle Leaf Beetlenut Black Pepper Plant Bloodbark Buckler-leaf
Ar-- Sp++ Fumitory Giant Cricklewood Ginger Root Ginseng Root Glechoma
Ar-- Sp++ Coconut Palm Common Basil Common Rosemary Crampbark Elephantia
Ar-- Sw-- Black Pepper Plant Bloodbark Bluebottle Clover Blue Damia Blue Tarafern
Ar-- Sw-- Beetlenut Black Pepper Plant Bloodbark Bluebottle Clover Chicory
Ar-- Sw++ Delta Palm Discorea Dwarf Hogweed Elephantia Fern Palm
Ar-- Sw++ Cricklewood Crimson Lettuce Crumpled Leaf Basil Daggerleaf Delta Palm
Ar-- To-- Beetlenut Black Pepper Plant Bloodbark Bluebottle Clover Blue Damia
Ar-- To-- Beetle Leaf Beetlenut Black Pepper Plant Bloodbark Delta Palm
Ar-- To++ Miniature Fern Palm Mini Palmetto Mirabellis Fern Monkey Palm Mountain Mint
Ar-- To++ Crampbark Creeping Thyme Cricklewood Crimson Lettuce Discorea
Ar++ As-- Myristica Oil Palm Oleaceae Opal Harebell Prisniparni
Ar++ As-- Mariae Meadowsweet Miniature Fern Palm Myristica Prisniparni
Ar++ As++ Savaka Shrubby Basil Shrub Sage Spiked Fishtree Sweetsop
Ar++ As++ Passam Pippali Prisniparni Spiked Fishtree Sweetsop
Ar++ Bi-- Passam Phoenix Palm Pippali Pitcher Plant Royal Palm
Ar++ Bi-- Mirabellis Fern Monkey Palm Morpha Myristica Royal Palm
Ar++ Bi++ Tangerine Dream Thyme Umbrella Palm Weeping Patala Yigory
Ar++ Bi++ Phoenix Palm Pippali Ranyahn Savaka Yigory
Ar++ Sa-- Pratyeka Tree Prisniparni Pulmonaria Opal Purple Tintiri Royal Palm
Ar++ Sa-- Motherwort Mountain Mint Myristica Oil Palm Savaka
Ar++ Sa++ Sugar Cane Tagetese Thyme Tiny Oil Palm Yigory
Ar++ Sa++ Orange Niali Pale Dhamasa Pitcher Plant Prisniparni Royal Palm
Ar++ So-- Phoenix Palm Pippali Pitcher Plant Prisniparni Royal Palm
Ar++ So-- Meadowsweet Miniature Fern Palm Mirabellis Fern Myristica Prisniparni
Ar++ So++ Razor Palm Red Maple Rhubarb Royal Palm Savaka
Ar++ So++ Oleaceae Opal Harebell Orange Niali Orrorin Royal Palm
Ar++ Sp-- Rhubarb Royal Palm Sagar Ghota Savaka Soapwort
Ar++ Sp-- Myristica Oil Palm Oleaceae Pale Russet Prisniparni
Ar++ Sp++ Rhubarb Royal Palm Satsatchi Savaka Tsangto
Ar++ Sp++ Myristica Myrrh Oil Palm Orange Niali Passam
Ar++ Sw-- Royal Palm Satsatchi Savaka Shrub Sage Skirret
Ar++ Sw-- Myrrh Oil Palm Oleaceae Passam Yigory
Ar++ Sw++ Pitcher Plant Pratyeka Tree Prisniparni Pulmonaria Opal Royal Palm
Ar++ Sw++ Mountain Mint Myristica Myrrh Oil Palm Prisniparni
Ar++ To-- Red Maple Rhubarb Royal Palm Savaka Shrub Sage
Ar++ To-- Oil Palm Oleaceae Opal Harebell Prisniparni Royal Palm
Ar++ To++ Sweetsop Tagetese Tangerine Dream Thyme Tsangto
Ar++ To++ Pratyeka Tree Satsatchi Savaka Tagetese Yigory
As-- Bi-- Creeping Thyme Cricklewood Crimson Lettuce Crumpled Leaf Basil Dark Ochoa
As-- Bi-- Covage Crampbark Creeping Thyme Cricklewood Fern Palm
As-- Bi++ Discorea Dwarf Hogweed Elephantia Feather Tree Folded Birch
As-- Bi++ Crimson Lettuce Crumpled Leaf Basil Daggerleaf Dwarf Hogweed Elephantia
As-- Sa-- Ginger Root Ginseng Root Glechoma Golden Thyme Gynura
As-- Sa-- Dwarf Hogweed Elephantia Feather Tree Fern Palm Ginseng Root
As-- Sa++ Oil Palm Oleaceae Opal Harebell Orange Niali Pitcher Plant
As-- Sa++ Katako Root Lemondrop Locust Palm Lythrum Tiny Oil Palm
As-- So-- Crampbark Creeping Thyme Cricklewood Crimson Lettuce Crumpled Leaf Basil
As-- So-- Covage Crampbark Creeping Thyme Cricklewood Elephantia
As-- So++ Thyme Tiny Clover Tiny Oil Palm True Tarragon Tsangto
As-- So++ Oleaceae Opal Harebell Orange Niali Orrorin Rhubarb
As-- Sp-- Feather Tree Fern Palm Fire Lily Fleabane Fool's Agar
As-- Sp-- Creeping Thyme Cricklewood Crimson Lettuce Crumpled Leaf Basil Dwarf Hogweed
As-- Sp++ Giant Cricklewood Ginger Root Ginseng Root Glechoma Golden Thyme
As-- Sp++ Fumitory Giant Cricklewood Ginger Root Ginseng Root Glechoma
As-- Sw-- Tiny Clover Tiny Oil Palm True Tarragon Tsangto Umbrella Palm
As-- Sw-- Panoe Passam Phoenix Palm Pippali Tiny Oil Palm
As-- Sw++ Elephantia Feather Tree Fern Palm Fire Lily Folded Birch
As-- Sw++ Crimson Lettuce Crumpled Leaf Basil Daggerleaf Dark Ochoa Delta Palm
As-- To-- Dwarf Hogweed Elephantia Feather Tree Fern Palm Ginger Root
As-- To-- Creeping Thyme Cricklewood Crimson Lettuce Crumpled Leaf Basil Dark Ochoa
As-- To++ Fern Palm Fire Lily Fleabane Folded Birch Hazlewort
As-- To++ Discorea Dwarf Hogweed Elephantia Fern Palm Hazlewort
As++ Bi-- Prisniparni Pulmonaria Opal Purple Tintiri Red Maple Spiked Fishtree
As++ Bi-- Houseleek Hyssop Indigo Damia Kaeshra Red Maple
As++ Bi++ Soapwort Spiked Fishtree Sweetsop Tiny Clover Weeping Patala
As++ Bi++ Panoe Passam Pippali Ranyahn Red Maple
As++ Sa-- Skirret Soapwort Spiked Fishtree Stout Palm Sweetsop
As++ Sa-- Monkey Palm Morpha Motherwort Mountain Mint Red Maple
As++ Sa++ Spiked Fishtree Sweetsop Tagetese Tiny Oil Palm Verdant Squill
As++ Sa++ Pitcher Plant Ranyahn Red Maple Satsatchi Tagetese
As++ So-- Prisniparni Pulmonaria Opal Ranyahn Red Maple Spiked Fishtree
As++ So-- Pale Dhamasa Pale Ochoa Red Maple Spiked Fishtree Sweetsop
As++ So++ Shrubby Basil Shrub Sage Shyama Spiked Fishtree True Tarragon
As++ So++ Orange Niali Orrorin Pale Ochoa Red Maple True Tarragon
As++ Sp-- Pulmonaria Opal Purple Tintiri Ranyahn Red Maple Spiked Fishtree
As++ Sp-- Opal Harebell Orange Niali Orrorin Pale Russet Spiked Fishtree
As++ Sp++ Pulmonaria Opal Purple Tintiri Red Maple Satsatchi Sweetsop
As++ Sp++ Monkey Palm Morpha Motherwort Orange Niali Sweetsop
As++ Sw-- Shrubby Basil Shrub Sage Skirret Spiked Fishtree Sweetsop
As++ Sw-- Pale Russet Panoe Passam Pippali Red Maple
As++ Sw++ Satsatchi Savaka Shrubby Basil Spiked Fishtree Verdant Squill
As++ Sw++ Pale Ochoa Pale Russet Panoe Spiked Fishtree True Tarragon
As++ To-- Purple Tintiri Ranyahn Red Maple Rhubarb Spiked Fishtree
As++ To-- Passam Phoenix Palm Pitcher Plant Spiked Fishtree Verdant Squill
As++ To++ Purple Tintiri Ranyahn Red Maple Satsatchi Tagetese
As++ To++ Lemondrop Locust Palm Mariae Monkey Palm Red Maple
Bi-- Sa-- Ginseng Root Glechoma Golden Thyme Gynura Harebell
Bi-- Sa-- Ginger Root Ginseng Root Glechoma Golden Thyme Gynura
Bi-- Sa++ Oil Palm Oleaceae Opal Harebell Orange Niali Pitcher Plant
Bi-- Sa++ Common Basil Common Rosemary Common Sage Covage Creeping Thyme
Bi-- So-- Pale Dhamasa Pale Ochoa Pale Russet Panoe Pitcher Plant
Bi-- So-- Crampbark Creeping Thyme Cricklewood Crimson Lettuce Dark Ochoa
Bi-- So++ Common Rosemary Common Sage Covage Crampbark Delta Palm
Bi-- So++ Common Basil Common Rosemary Common Sage Crampbark Delta Palm
Bi-- Sp-- Ash Palm Banto Beetle Leaf Beetlenut Bloodbark
Bi-- Sp-- Ashoka Ash Palm Banto Beetle Leaf Bloodbark
Bi-- Sp++ Giant Cricklewood Ginger Root Ginseng Root Glechoma Golden Thyme
Bi-- Sp++ Fumitory Giant Cricklewood Ginger Root Ginseng Root Glechoma
Bi-- Sw-- Covage Crampbark Creeping Thyme Cricklewood Dark Ochoa
Bi-- Sw-- Coconut Palm Common Basil Common Rosemary Common Sage Dark Ochoa
Bi-- Sw++ Pippali Pitcher Plant Pratyeka Tree Prisniparni Pulmonaria Opal
Bi-- Sw++ Elephantia Feather Tree Fern Palm Fire Lily Morpha
Bi-- To-- Common Rosemary Common Sage Covage Crampbark Dark Ochoa
Bi-- To-- Beetle Leaf Beetlenut Black Pepper Plant Bloodbark Cinnamon
Bi-- To++ Spindle Tree Steel Bladegrass Stout Palm Tagetese Tsangto
Bi-- To++ Ash Palm Banto Beetle Leaf Beetlenut Bloodbark
Bi++ Sa-- Sorrel Spiked Fishtree Tiny Clover Umbrella Palm Yellow Tristeria
Bi++ Sa-- Discorea Dwarf Hogweed Elephantia Feather Tree Hokkaido
Bi++ Sa++ Spiked Fishtree Spindle Tree Tiny Oil Palm Umbrella Palm Weeping Patala
Bi++ Sa++ Fleabane Folded Birch Fool's Agar Fumitory Giant Cricklewood
Bi++ So-- Umbrella Palm Verdant Squill Weeping Patala Xanosi Yellow Tristeria
Bi++ So-- Kaeshra Katako Root Lemondrop Locust Palm Lythrum
Bi++ So++ Skirret Soapwort Sorrel Spiked Fishtree Umbrella Palm
Bi++ So++ Pippali Pratyeka Tree Ranyahn Red Maple Soapwort
Bi++ Sp-- True Tarragon Umbrella Palm Verdant Squill Weeping Patala Xanosi
Bi++ Sp-- Discorea Dwarf Hogweed Elephantia Feather Tree Fool's Agar
Bi++ Sp++ Motherwort Mountain Mint Myristica Oil Palm Panoe
Bi++ Sp++ Katako Root Lemondrop Locust Palm Lythrum Motherwort
Bi++ Sw-- Soapwort Sorrel Spiked Fishtree Sweetsop Umbrella Palm
Bi++ Sw-- Meadowsweet Mindanao Miniature Fern Palm Mirabellis Fern Skirret
Bi++ Sw++ Fire Lily Fleabane Folded Birch Fool's Agar Fumitory
Bi++ Sw++ Delta Palm Discorea Dwarf Hogweed Elephantia Folded Birch
Bi++ To-- Pratyeka Tree Prisniparni Pulmonaria Opal Ranyahn Umbrella Palm
Bi++ To-- Fire Lily Fleabane Folded Birch Fool's Agar Ginger Root
Bi++ To++ Lemondrop Locust Palm Lythrum Mariae Miniature Fern Palm
Bi++ To++ Katako Root Lemondrop Locust Palm Mariae Meadowsweet
Sa-- So-- Hokkaido Honey Mint Houseleek Hyssop Indigo Damia
Sa-- So-- Hazlewort Hokkaido Honey Mint Houseleek Mariae
Sa-- So++ Orrorin Pale Dhamasa Pale Ochoa Pale Russet Passam
Sa-- So++ Gynura Harebell Hawthorn Hazlewort Hokkaido
Sa-- Sp-- Pale Dhamasa Pale Ochoa Pale Russet Passam Pippali
Sa-- Sp-- Cinnamon Cinnar Cinquefoil Coconut Palm Common Sage
Sa-- Sp++ Ginseng Root Glechoma Golden Thyme Gynura Harebell
Sa-- Sp++ Ginger Root Ginseng Root Glechoma Golden Thyme Gynura
Sa-- Sw-- Pale Russet Panoe Passam Pippali Pitcher Plant
Sa-- Sw-- Glechoma Golden Thyme Gynura Harebell Hokkaido
Sa-- Sw++ Mirabellis Fern Monkey Palm Morpha Motherwort Opal Harebell
Sa-- Sw++ Honey Mint Houseleek Hyssop Indigo Damia Morpha
Sa-- To-- Glechoma Golden Thyme Gynura Harebell Hawthorn
Sa-- To-- Ginseng Root Glechoma Golden Thyme Gynura Harebell
Sa-- To++ Lythrum Mariae Meadowsweet Miniature Fern Palm Pale Russet
Sa-- To++ Hazlewort Hokkaido Honey Mint Hyssop Locust Palm
Sa++ So-- Shyama Skirret Sweetsop Tiny Oil Palm Verdant Squill
Sa++ So-- Kaeshra Katako Root Lemondrop Locust Palm Orange Niali
Sa++ So++ Tiny Oil Palm True Tarragon Tsangto Umbrella Palm Xanosi
Sa++ So++ Opal Harebell Orange Niali Orrorin Pale Ochoa Tiny Oil Palm
Sa++ Sp-- Shrub Sage Skirret Soapwort Tagetese Tiny Oil Palm
Sa++ Sp-- Opal Harebell Orange Niali Pale Ochoa Ranyahn Weeping Patala
Sa++ Sp++ Shrub Sage Shyama Skirret Tiny Oil Palm Tsangto
Sa++ Sp++ Mountain Mint Myristica Oil Palm Orange Niali Pitcher Plant
Sa++ Sw-- Royal Palm Sagar Ghota Satsatchi Shrub Sage Tiny Oil Palm
Sa++ Sw-- Miniature Fern Palm Mini Palmetto Mirabellis Fern Monkey Palm Orange Niali
Sa++ Sw++ Folded Birch Fool's Agar Fumitory Giant Cricklewood Ginger Root
Sa++ Sw++ Fleabane Folded Birch Fool's Agar Giant Cricklewood Ginger Root
Sa++ To-- Fool's Agar Fumitory Giant Cricklewood Ginger Root Golden Thyme
Sa++ To-- Folded Birch Fool's Agar Fumitory Giant Cricklewood Ginger Root
Sa++ To++ Mini Palmetto Mirabellis Fern Monkey Palm Mountain Mint Satsatchi
Sa++ To++ Fern Palm Fire Lily Fleabane Fool's Agar Satsatchi
So-- Sp-- Stout Palm Sweetsop Tagetese Thyme Verdant Squill
So-- Sp-- Cinnamon Cinnar Cinquefoil Coconut Palm Common Rosemary
So-- Sp++ Monkey Palm Morpha Motherwort Mountain Mint Orange Niali
So-- Sp++ Hyssop Indigo Damia Kaeshra Lemondrop Morpha
So-- Sw-- Covage Crampbark Creeping Thyme Cricklewood Crimson Lettuce
So-- Sw-- Banto Beetle Leaf Beetlenut Black Pepper Plant Bluebottle Clover
So-- Sw++ Pitcher Plant Pratyeka Tree Prisniparni Pulmonaria Opal Ranyahn
So-- Sw++ Houseleek Hyssop Indigo Damia Kaeshra Katako Root
So-- To-- Honey Mint Houseleek Hyssop Indigo Damia Kaeshra
So-- To-- Blue Damia Blue Tarafern Bottle Tree Bramble Hedge Chakkanut Tree
So-- To++ Mountain Mint Myristica Oil Palm Oleaceae Pale Russet
So-- To++ Locust Palm Lythrum Mariae Meadowsweet Miniature Fern Palm
So++ Sp-- Savaka Shrubby Basil Shrub Sage Skirret Soapwort
So++ Sp-- Ranyahn Razor Palm Red Maple Rhubarb Royal Palm
So++ Sp++ Golden Thyme Gynura Harebell Hawthorn Hazlewort
So++ Sp++ Fumitory Giant Cricklewood Ginger Root Ginseng Root Hazlewort
So++ Sw-- Satsatchi Savaka Shrubby Basil Shrub Sage Skirret
So++ Sw-- Orange Niali Orrorin Pale Dhamasa Pale Ochoa Passam
So++ Sw++ Red Maple Rhubarb Royal Palm Sagar Ghota True Tarragon
So++ Sw++ Dark Radish Delta Palm Discorea Dwarf Hogweed Fern Palm
So++ To-- Ranyahn Red Maple Rhubarb Royal Palm Shrub Sage
So++ To-- Common Rosemary Common Sage Covage Crampbark Delta Palm
So++ To++ Sagar Ghota Satsatchi Savaka Shrub Sage Tagetese
So++ To++ Orrorin Pale Dhamasa Pale Ochoa Satsatchi Tagetese
Sp-- Sw-- Pale Ochoa Pale Russet Panoe Passam Pippali
Sp-- Sw-- Mindanao Miniature Fern Palm Mirabellis Fern Monkey Palm Pale Russet
Sp-- Sw++ Steel Bladegrass Stout Palm Sweetsop Tagetese Thyme
Sp-- Sw++ Hyssop Indigo Damia Kaeshra Katako Root Meadowsweet
Sp-- To-- Pippali Pitcher Plant Pratyeka Tree Prisniparni Ranyahn
Sp-- To-- Chives Cinnamon Cinnar Cinquefoil Coconut Palm
Sp-- To++ Tagetese Tangerine Dream Thyme Tiny Clover Yigory
Sp-- To++ Locust Palm Lythrum Meadowsweet Miniature Fern Palm Pale Russet
Sp++ Sw-- Hawthorn Hazlewort Hokkaido Honey Mint Houseleek
Sp++ Sw-- Glechoma Golden Thyme Gynura Harebell Hokkaido
Sp++ Sw++ Morpha Motherwort Mountain Mint Myristica Oil Palm
Sp++ Sw++ Indigo Damia Kaeshra Katako Root Morpha Pale Dhamasa
Sp++ To-- Harebell Hawthorn Hazlewort Hokkaido Houseleek
Sp++ To-- Giant Cricklewood Ginger Root Ginseng Root Glechoma Golden Thyme
Sp++ To++ Morpha Motherwort Mountain Mint Pale Ochoa Satsatchi
Sp++ To++ Lemondrop Locust Palm Lythrum Mariae Satsatchi
Sw-- To-- Panoe Passam Pippali Pitcher Plant Rhubarb
Sw-- To-- Mini Palmetto Mirabellis Fern Monkey Palm Motherwort Orange Niali
Sw-- To++ Miniature Fern Palm Mirabellis Fern Monkey Palm Mountain Mint Passam
Sw-- To++ Hazlewort Hokkaido Honey Mint Indigo Damia Locust Palm
Sw++ To-- Fool's Agar Fumitory Giant Cricklewood Ginger Root Harebell
Sw++ To-- Dwarf Hogweed Elephantia Feather Tree Fire Lily Folded Birch
Sw++ To++ Fern Palm Fire Lily Fleabane Folded Birch Miniature Fern Palm
Sw++ To++ Feather Tree Fern Palm Fire Lily Folded Birch Mountain Mint