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Midland Valley Tinkers/RaeliOvenColors

Revision as of 03:49, 26 May 2012 by Payna (talk | contribs) (Created page with " = Colors = {| border="1" style="font-family:courier new;" cellpadding="5" ! width="250" | Color ! width="150" | Ovens |- || |style="font-weight: bold" back...")
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Color Ovens
AliceBlue |MVT12,MVT10,Pished3
AntiqueWhite |MVT05,MVT08,MVT15
Aqua |MVT03,
Aquamarine |MVT03,MVT14
Azure |MVT03,MVT12,
Beige |MVT01,MVT08,MVT13,MVT15,Pished1,Pished2
Bisque |MVT05,MVT08,MVT15
Black |All
BlanchedAlmond |MVT05,MVT08,MVT15
Blue |MVT10,
BlueViolet |MVT07,
Brown |MVT09,MVR02,
BurlyWood |MVT05,MVT08,MVT15
CadetBlue |
Carrot |MVT05,
Chartreuse |
Chocolate |MVT05,
Coral |MVT05,
CornflowerBlue |MVT10,Pished3
Cornsilk |
Crimson |MVT09,MVT11,MVR02
DarkBlue |MVT10,
DarkCyan |MVT03,MVT12,
DarkGoldenrod |MVT08,MVT15,
DarkGray |MVT18,
DarkGreen |MVT01,MVT02,MVT06,MVT13,MVT14,MVT15,Pished2,Pished2
DarkKhaki |MVT08,TER1,
DarkMagenta |MVR03,
DarkOliveGreen |MVT01,MVT08,MVT13,MVT15,TER1
DarkOrange |
DarkOrchid |MVR03
DarkRed |MVT11
DarkSalmon |
DarkSeaGreen |
DarkSlateBlue |MVT07,Pished3
DarkSlateGray |MVT03,MVT12,MVT18
DarkTurquoise |MVT03,
DarkViolet |
DeepPink |
DeepSkyBlue |
DimGray |MVT18
DodgerBlue |
Feldspar |
FireBrick |MVT11,MVR02,
FloralWhite |MVT05,MVT08,MVT15
ForestGreen |MVT02,MVT06,MVT14,Pished2,Pished1
Fuchsia |
Gainsboro |MVT02,MVT06,MVT18,Pished3,Pished2,Pished1
GhostWhite |MVT06,MVT10,Pished3,MVR03
Gold |
Goldenrod |MVT08,MVT15,
Gray |MVT18,
Green |MVT06,
GreenYellow |MVT13,MVR01,TER1
Honeydew |MVT01,MVT02,MVT06,Pished2,Pished1
HotPink |MVT04,MVR02,
IndianRed |MVT09,MVR02,
Indigo |MVT04,MVR03,MVT07
Ivory |MVT13,TER1,
Khaki |MVT08,MVT13,MVT15,TER1
Lavender |MVT07,MVT10,Pished3,MVR03
LavenderBlush |MVT04,MVT09,MVT11,MVR02,MVR03
LawnGreen |MVR01,
LemonChiffon |MVT13,
LightBlue |MVT10,Pished3
LightCoral |MVT11,MVR02,
LightCyan |MVT03,MVT12,MVT14
LightGoldenrodYellow |MVT01,MVT13,TER1
LightGreen |MVT01,MVT02,MVT06,MVT14,Pished2,Pished1
LightGrey |MVT06,MVT18,Pished2
LightPink |MVT09,MVT11,MVR02
LightSalmon |MVT05,MVT11,
LightSeaGreen |MVT03,MVT12,
LightSkyBlue |MVT10,
LightSlateBlue |
LightSlateGray |
LightSteelBlue |MVT10,Pished3
LightYellow |MVT13,
Lime |
LimeGreen |MVT06,MVT14,MVT18,Pished2
Linen |MVT05,MVT09,MVT11
Maroon |MVT04,MVT05,MVT09,MVT11,MVR02
MediumAquamarine |MVT02,MVT14,
MediumBlue |MVT10,
MediumOrchid |MVR03,
MediumPurple |MVT07,
MediumSeaGreen |MVT02,Pished2
MediumSlateBlue |MVT10,
MediumSpringGreen |
MediumTurquoise |MVT12,
MediumVioletRed |MVT04,
MidnightBlue |MVT07,MVT10,Pished3,MVR03
MintCream |MVT01,MVT02,MVT03,MVT06,MVT12,Pished2,Pished1
MistyRose |MVT04,MVT09,MVT11,MVR02
Moccasin |MVT16,
NavajoWhite |MVT05,
Navy |
OldLace |MVT08,MVT13,MVT15
Olive |MVT08,MVT13,MVT15
OliveDrab |MVT01,MVT09,TER1
Orange |
OrangeRed |
Orchid |MVT04,
PaleGoldenrod |MVT01,MVT08,MVT13,MVT15,Pished1,TER1
PaleGreen |MVT01,MVT02,MVT06,MVT14,Pished2,Pished1
PaleTurquoise |MVT03,MVT12,MVT14
PaleVioletRed |MVT04,MVT09,MVR02
PapayaWhip |
PeachPuff |MVT05,
Peru |MVT05,
Pink |MVT04,MVT09,MVR2
Plum |MVT04,MVT07,MVR03
PowderBlue |MVT02,Pished3,Pished2
Purple |MVT04,MVR03
Red |MVT11,
RosyBrown |MVT18,
RoyalBlue |MVT10,Pished3
SaddleBrown |MVT05,
Salmon |MVT11,
SandyBrown |MVT05,MVT15
SeaGreen |MVT02,MVT14
Seashell |MVT05,MVT15
Sienna |MVT05,
Silver |MVT18,
SkyBlue |MVT12,Pished3
SlateBlue |MVT07,
Snow |MVT01,MVT05,MVT06,MVT07,Pished2,Pished1,MVR02,MVR03
SpringGreen |MVT14,
SteelBlue |
Tan |MVT09,
Teal |MVT03,MVT12
Thistle |MVT07,MVR03
Tomato |MVT11,
Turquoise |MVT03,MVT12
Violet |MVR03,
VioletRed |MVT04,
Wheat |MVT05,MVT08,MVT15
White |All
WhiteSmoke |MVT07,MVT18
Yellow |
YellowGreen |MVT01,MVT13,Pished1,TER1