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Line 152: Line 152:
YellowGreen : Cabbage 1 Clay 9 Iron 1 RedSand 1  
YellowGreen : Cabbage 1 Clay 9 Iron 1 RedSand 1  
Reactions.TXT for Ofalot:
// Reactions are in the form
// Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 | Color (R, G, B, or W) | Ing1->Ing2 reaction | Ing2->Ing1 reaction
// Make sure to only add 1 line for both the A->B reaction and the B->A reaction
// This reaction list is not complete; you must fill in your own reactions.
// If you don't know your reactions for a particular ingredient, make sure to disable
// that ingredient before running the analysis.
Cabbage | Potash | B | 56 | 2
ToadSkin | Potash | R | -48 | -3
EarthLight | Potash | R | 50 | -45
Lime | ToadSkin | R | -32 | 0
Clay | Saltpeter | B | 27 | -33
Lead | Saltpeter | G | 15 | 45
// Silver | Saltpeter | G | 18 | -15
Iron | Saltpeter | W | 14 | 61
Copper | Saltpeter | B | -44 | 56
Clay | Sulfur | G | -22 | 22
EarthLight | Sulfur | R | -25 | 10
Iron | Sulfur | G | 19 | -45
Copper | Sulfur | W | 56 | -4
Sulfur | Potash | G | 29 | -15
Cabbage | RedSand | G | 58 | -28
Cabbage | Copper | W | 11 | 10
Cabbage | Iron | W | 19 | 12
Cabbage | EarthLight | G | 26 | -40
Carrot | ToadSkin | W | 18 | 59
Carrot | RedSand | B | 53 | 28
Carrot | Lead | W | -3 | -45
Carrot | Potash | W | -3 | 5
Carrot | Lime | G | 52 | -46
Clay | ToadSkin | R | -10 | 27
Clay | EarthLight | B | 11 | -49
Clay | Lead | B | -5 | 50
// Clay | Silver | B | -31 | -31
Clay | Copper | R | 36 | 45
ToadSkin | Lead | W | -52 | -19
ToadSkin | Copper | W | 12 | 53
EarthLight | RedSand | R | -32 | 25
EarthLight | Lead | G | 7 | -49
EarthLight | Iron | R | 23 | -62
// RedSand | Silver | R | 38 | 29
// Lead | Silver | G | -47 | -47
Lead | Iron | B | -33 | -49
Lead | Copper | W | -49 | 33
// Silver | Iron | B | 44 | -31
// Silver | Copper | G | -22 | 56
DeadTongue | Cabbage | B | -24 | -14
DeadTongue | Carrot | R | 30 | -42
DeadTongue | ToadSkin | G | 54 | -37
DeadTongue | RedSand | B | 10 | 12
DeadTongue | Lead | G | 26 | 60
DeadTongue | Iron | B | 62 | -29
DeadTongue | Copper | B | -7 | -49
DeadTongue | Potash | B | -4 | 42
DeadTongue | Lime | W | 28 | -4

Latest revision as of 09:31, 31 March 2012

Ofalot Paint Recipes

Those marked with '*' have been tested to work in Tale 6.


AliceBlue : Cabbage 7 Saltpeter 1 Copper 1 Iron 1 Lead 1 
AntiqueWhite : Cabbage 1 Copper 1 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 8 
Aqua : Cabbage 1 Copper 6 Potash 1 EarthLight 1 RedSand 2 
Aquamarine : Cabbage 1 Copper 5 RedSand 2 Carrot 1 Lead 1 
Azure : Cabbage 7 Saltpeter 1 Copper 2 Iron 1 Lead 1 
Beige : Cabbage 5 Copper 3 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 
Bisque : Cabbage 3 Carrot 5 Copper 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 
Black : Lead 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 RedSand 7 
BlanchedAlmond : Copper 1 Cabbage 1 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 8 
BlueViolet : Carrot 1 Lead 1 Clay 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 6 
Brown : Clay 2 RedSand 8 
Burlywood : Cabbage 1 Carrot 4 Copper 1 Clay 3 RedSand 1 
CadetBlue : Cabbage 6 Copper 3 RedSand 1 
Carrot : Carrot 10 
Chartreuse : Clay 8 Copper 7 Iron 1 Lead 1 DeadTongue 1 
Chocolate : RedSand 3 Carrot 7 
Coral : Cabbage 1 Carrot 6 Copper 1 Clay 2 
CornflowerBlue : Cabbage 10 Carrot 1 Copper 3 RedSand 1 
Cornsilk : Carrot 7 Copper 4 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 
Crimson : Copper 1 Clay 1 RedSand 6 Cabbage 2 
DarkBlue : Lead 11 Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Saltpeter 1 Copper 6 
DarkCyan : Cabbage 1 Lead 1 Copper 8 
DarkGoldenrod : Cabbage 1 Iron 1 RedSand 5 Carrot 2 Lead 1 
DarkGray : Cabbage 4 Clay 3 Carrot 1 Iron 1 RedSand 1 
DarkGreen : Cabbage 2 Iron 1 Lead 1 Carrot 2 Copper 4 
DarkKhaki : Cabbage 1 Clay 4 Carrot 4 RedSand 1 
DarkMagenta : Carrot 1 RedSand 5 Cabbage 4 
DarkOliveGreen : Cabbage 1 Clay 1 Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 6 
DarkOrange : Carrot 6 Copper 1 Clay 1 Iron 1 Lead 1 
DarkOrchid : Carrot 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 8 
DarkRed : RedSand 10 
DarkSalmon : Cabbage 1 Carrot 4 Copper 1 Clay 2 RedSand 2 
DarkSeaGreen : Cabbage 2 Clay 6 Carrot 1 Iron 1 RedSand 1 
DarkSlateBlue : Cabbage 10 
DarkSlateGray : Cabbage 1 Lead 1 Clay 1 RedSand 6 Carrot 1 
DarkTurquoise : Carrot 1 Lime 1 Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 Copper 14 
DarkViolet : Carrot 1 Lead 1 Clay 1 RedSand 5 Cabbage 6 
DeepPink : Copper 1 Clay 1 RedSand 7 Cabbage 1 Sulfur 1 
DeepSkyBlue : Cabbage 1 Potash 1 Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 Copper 10 
DimGray : Cabbage 1 Clay 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 7 
DodgerBlue : Lead 1 Clay 1 Saltpeter 1 Copper 8 
Feldspar : Cabbage 2 Carrot 4 RedSand 4 
FireBrick : Copper 1 Clay 1 RedSand 8 
FloralWhite : Carrot 4 Copper 5 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 2 
ForestGreen : Iron 2 Cabbage 1 Lead 1 Copper 5 RedSand 1 
Fuchsia : Copper 1 Lead 1 Clay 1 EarthLight 1 Cabbage 13 
Gainsboro : Cabbage 6 Carrot 2 Copper 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 
GhostWhite : Cabbage 2 Copper 3 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 4 
Gold : Carrot 5 Saltpeter 1 Clay 3 Iron 1 Lead 1 
Goldenrod : Cabbage 1 Iron 1 RedSand 1 Carrot 6 Lead 1 
Gray : Cabbage 2 Clay 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 6 
Green : Iron 1 Lead 1 Carrot 1 Copper 7 Lime 1 
GreenYellow : Cabbage 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 13 Iron 1 Lead 1 
Honeydew : Cabbage 1 Carrot 6 Copper 5 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 
HotPink : Carrot 2 Copper 1 Lead 1 Clay 1 RedSand 6 
IndianRed : Cabbage 1 Carrot 2 RedSand 7 
Indigo : Lead 1 Clay 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 7 
Ivory : Carrot 9 Copper 9 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 
Khaki : Cabbage 1 Carrot 12 Copper 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 
Lavender : Cabbage 6 Copper 1 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 2 
LavenderBlush : Cabbage 4 Copper 1 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 4 
LawnGreen : Carrot 4 Copper 2 Iron 2 Lead 1 DeadTongue 1 
LemonChiffon : Cabbage 1 Carrot 9 Copper 3 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 
LightBlue : Cabbage 2 Copper 4 Lead 1 Clay 1 RedSand 2 
LightCoral : Carrot 7 Copper 1 Clay 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 1 
LightCyan : Cabbage 6 Copper 2 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 
LightGoldenrodYellow : Cabbage 1 Carrot 6 Copper 3 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 
LightGreen : Cabbage 1 Clay 2 Copper 4 Lead 1 RedSand 2 
LightGrey : Cabbage 2 Copper 3 Lead 1 Clay 3 RedSand 1 
LightPink : Cabbage 1 Carrot 4 Copper 2 Lead 1 Clay 2 
LightSalmon : Cabbage 1 Carrot 7 Copper 1 Clay 1 RedSand 1 
LightSeaGreen : Cabbage 1 Carrot 1 Lead 1 Copper 6 RedSand 1 
LightSkyBlue : Copper 8 Lead 1 Clay 1 
LightSlateBlue : Carrot 1 Copper 7 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 3 
LightSlateGray : Cabbage 7 Carrot 1 RedSand 2 
LightSteelBlue : Cabbage 6 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 
LightYellow : Carrot 9 Saltpeter 1 Copper 2 Iron 1 Sulfur 1 
Lime : Lead 1 Carrot 4 Copper 10 DeadTongue 1 Lime 1 
LimeGreen : Cabbage 1 Iron 2 Lead 1 Copper 9 RedSand 2 
Linen : Cabbage 1 Copper 2 Lead 2 Sulfur 1 Clay 5 
Maroon  : Lead 1 Carrot 1 RedSand 8 
MediumAquamarine : Cabbage 3 Carrot 1 Copper 4 RedSand 2 
MediumBlue  : Carrot 1 Iron 1 EarthLight 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 7 
MediumOrchid : Carrot 1 Copper 1 Clay 1 RedSand 1 Cabbage 6 
MediumPurple : Cabbage 5 Carrot 1 Lead 1 Clay 1 RedSand 2 
MediumSeaGreen : Cabbage 2 Clay 1 Lead 1 Copper 5 RedSand 1 
MediumSlateBlue : Cabbage 15 Carrot 1 Lead 2 Clay 1 RedSand 1 
MediumSpringGreen : Carrot 1 Lime 1 Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 Copper 11 
MediumTurquoise : Carrot 1 Copper 7 Cabbage 1 RedSand 1 
MediumVioletRed : Carrot 3 RedSand 5 Cabbage 2 
MidnightBlue : Lead 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 RedSand 4 Cabbage 3 
MintCream : Carrot 3 Copper 6 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 2 
MistyRose : Cabbage 1 Copper 1 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 7 
Moccasin : Cabbage 1 Carrot 7 Copper 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 
NavajoWhite : Cabbage 4 Copper 1 RedSand 4 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 
Navy  : Lead 1 Carrot 1 Copper 8 RedSand 1 Cabbage 10 
OldLace : Carrot 3 Copper 4 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 3 
Olive : Cabbage 1 Clay 6 RedSand 6 
OliveDrab : Cabbage 1 Clay 5 RedSand 4 
Orange : Carrot 3 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 5 Iron 1 
OrangeRed : Copper 1 Clay 3 Lime 1 Carrot 11 
Orchid : Carrot 1 Copper 1 Lead 1 Clay 2 RedSand 5 
PaleGoldenrod : Cabbage 1 Carrot 7 Copper 2 Lead 1 RedSand 1 
PaleGreen : Cabbage 1 Copper 4 Clay 3 Lead 1 RedSand 1 
PaleTurquoise : Cabbage 1 Copper 6 Lead 1 Clay 1 RedSand 1 
PaleVioletRed : Carrot 2 RedSand 1 Cabbage 2 Copper 1 Clay 4 
PapayaWhip : Carrot 5 Copper 3 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 
PeachPuff : Copper 1 Lead 1 RedSand 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 7 
Peru : Cabbage 1 Clay 4 RedSand 3 Carrot 2 
Pink : Copper 1 Lead 1 RedSand 2 Sulfur 1 Clay 6 
Plum : Cabbage 5 Copper 1 Lead 1 Clay 1 RedSand 3 
PowderBlue : Cabbage 2 Copper 4 Lead 1 Clay 2 RedSand 1 
Purple  : Carrot 1 RedSand 8 Cabbage 1 
Red : Copper 1 RedSand 11 EarthLight 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 1 
RosyBrown : Cabbage 3 Carrot 4 RedSand 3 
RoyalBlue : Carrot 1 Lead 1 Clay 1 Copper 9 RedSand 1 
SaddleBrown : Cabbage 1 RedSand 9 
Salmon : Carrot 7 Copper 1 Clay 1 RedSand 1 
SandyBrown : Cabbage 1 Copper 1 Clay 2 RedSand 2 Carrot 4 
SeaGreen : Cabbage 4 Lead 1 Copper 3 RedSand 2 
Seashell : Carrot 3 Copper 4 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 2 
Sienna : Cabbage 1 Clay 1 RedSand 8 
Silver : Cabbage 3 Copper 1 Lead 1 Clay 1 RedSand 4 
SkyBlue : Carrot 1 Copper 3 Iron 1 Cabbage 4 RedSand 1 
SlateBlue : Cabbage 6 Lead 1 Clay 3 
SlateGray : Cabbage 2 Carrot 1 Lead 1 Clay 1 RedSand 5 
Snow : Carrot 3 Copper 5 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 2 
SpringGreen : Copper 8 Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 Carrot 1 Lime 1 
SteelBlue  : Cabbage 3 Carrot 1 Lead 1 Copper 4 RedSand 1 
Tan : Cabbage 2 Carrot 2 Copper 1 Clay 4 RedSand 1 
Teal : Cabbage 2 Lead 1 Carrot 1 Copper 5 RedSand 1 
Thistle : Cabbage 5 Copper 1 Lead 1 Clay 1 RedSand 2 
Tomato : Copper 1 Clay 1 RedSand 2 Carrot 6 
Turquoise : Cabbage 1 Copper 10 RedSand 1 
Violet : Cabbage 15 Copper 4 Lead 1 Clay 1 
VioletRed : Carrot 1 RedSand 4 Cabbage 1 Copper 1 Clay 3 
Wheat : Cabbage 4 Carrot 12 Copper 2 Lead 1 RedSand 1 
White : Carrot 3 Copper 5 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 
WhiteSmoke : Cabbage 1 Copper 3 Lead 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 5 
Yellow : Copper 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 7 Iron 1 Lead 1 
YellowGreen : Cabbage 1 Clay 9 Iron 1 RedSand 1 

Reactions.TXT for Ofalot:

// Reactions are in the form
// Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 | Color (R, G, B, or W) | Ing1->Ing2 reaction | Ing2->Ing1 reaction
// Make sure to only add 1 line for both the A->B reaction and the B->A reaction
// This reaction list is not complete; you must fill in your own reactions.
// If you don't know your reactions for a particular ingredient, make sure to disable
// that ingredient before running the analysis.

Cabbage | Potash | B | 56 | 2 
ToadSkin | Potash | R | -48 | -3
EarthLight | Potash | R | 50 | -45
Lime | ToadSkin | R | -32 | 0
Clay | Saltpeter | B | 27 | -33
Lead | Saltpeter | G | 15 | 45
// Silver | Saltpeter | G | 18 | -15
Iron | Saltpeter | W | 14 | 61
Copper | Saltpeter | B | -44 | 56
Clay | Sulfur | G | -22 | 22
EarthLight | Sulfur | R | -25 | 10
Iron | Sulfur | G | 19 | -45
Copper | Sulfur | W | 56 | -4
Sulfur | Potash | G | 29 | -15
Cabbage | RedSand | G | 58 | -28
Cabbage | Copper | W | 11 | 10
Cabbage | Iron | W | 19 | 12
Cabbage | EarthLight | G | 26 | -40
Carrot | ToadSkin | W | 18 | 59
Carrot | RedSand | B | 53 | 28
Carrot | Lead | W | -3 | -45
Carrot | Potash | W | -3 | 5
Carrot | Lime | G | 52 | -46 
Clay | ToadSkin | R | -10 | 27
Clay | EarthLight | B | 11 | -49
Clay | Lead | B | -5 | 50
// Clay | Silver | B | -31 | -31
Clay | Copper | R | 36 | 45
ToadSkin | Lead | W | -52 | -19
ToadSkin | Copper | W | 12 | 53
EarthLight | RedSand | R | -32 | 25
EarthLight | Lead | G | 7 | -49
EarthLight | Iron | R | 23 | -62
// RedSand | Silver | R | 38 | 29
// Lead | Silver | G | -47 | -47
Lead | Iron | B | -33 | -49
Lead | Copper | W | -49 | 33
// Silver | Iron | B | 44 | -31
// Silver | Copper | G | -22 | 56
DeadTongue | Cabbage | B | -24 | -14
DeadTongue | Carrot | R | 30 | -42
DeadTongue | ToadSkin | G | 54 | -37
DeadTongue | RedSand | B | 10 | 12 
DeadTongue | Lead | G | 26 | 60
DeadTongue | Iron | B | 62 | -29
DeadTongue | Copper | B | -7 | -49
DeadTongue | Potash | B | -4 | 42
DeadTongue | Lime | W | 28 | -4