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From A Tale in the Desert
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July 31, 2009 The last day of the month, thank goodness. It has not been a great month for the human and hence, not for myself, because I wasn't able to play in Egypt as much as I wanted to. I was able to build a wood treatment tank today and actually made some useful boards for the long range ferry. Of course now I have to find some silk cloth or figure out how to make it. I'm looking forward to spending more time in Egypt August 1st, tomorrow, forward. Possibly I will even get a proposal or two in next month. July was pretty awful when it comes to Sami sightings. Well I hope everyone had a great month. See you in August.

July 29, 2009 Things in real life are ALMOST back to normal, if not having a kitchen sink is back to normal. The human still can not cook because she doesn't want to wash the lettuce in the shower like Kramer on Seinfeld, so she is still eating out. Next Wednesday everything should be just about done though and she is very excited. That will be week 5 of eating out and getting fat. On a side note: While puttering around in her apartment last night she turned on QVC. There was a whole hour devoted to Michael Jackson memorabilia. The poor guy isn't even buried yet and here was Mark Goodman (former and original VJ on MTV) selling Michaels albums and t-shirts. Leave the poor guy to rest already.

July 26, 2009 Okay. Real life still stinks as the human is living in her bedroom, eating at her desk take-out/delivery food every day and she has no sink or countertops in the kitchen yet. The living room has all the clothing and linen from the closets that were redone and it's becoming a bore. On the bright side, this will only last for another week or two. Today Phile had her feast to send her murdered hubby Akki off to the heavens above. Well the bimbo had the nerve to call me a harlot (among other things.) She also said my Sami was a child which really got me going. So I threw an egg at her, dropped some dung, smashed her face with a grapefruit, etc, etc, etc... My YAYA sister MariahBoPeep threw a booger at her and Phile should know that YAYA's stick together and were there in full force and I thank them all for that. YAYA. I feel that Phile is the one that killed her hubby even though she won't admit it and tries to say it was Nikomedes that did it. The herb hunt was successfull as usual and I received a lovely prize for my participation.

July 20-24, 2009 Real life is such a pain to the human and I. There have been a few glitches in her kitchen renovation and she won't let me play while the sawdust and whatnot is flying around during the day. The human then spends the evening picking sawdust out of her ears and cleaning up so it can all get dirty again the next day. By Wednesday or Thursday this week everything should have subsided and things will be somewhat back to normal. As I came online this a.m. to check on the animals and such, I noticed that Rabble left the game. It was very disturbing, he was certainly a great fellow and enjoyable person while playing in Egypt. I'll miss you Rabble as will everyone else.

July 15-16, 2009 It appears my time in Egypt is limited for a few days. The human still is having some work done in her compound and refuses to be there during the loud noise, so she sits her fat butt at the pool all day stuffing her face and returns back to the compound exhausted from gossiping all day. She allows me to come online to care for the animals and say hello to her friends and then forces me to go to sleep early just so she can get up early and do the same thing the next day. Hopefully this weekend when the work subsides she will let me hang out more often.

July 14, 2009 So after being pushed around by the human because she couldn't stay home for a day or so, here I am back in Egypt. I will tell you that I hope that Teppy does not provide air mattresses for our compounds and it should be banned by humans to ever sleep on one. Okay, so what’s next for me to do?

July 10, 2009


Hip Hip Hooray !!! I passed the Test of the Cicada and was oh so excited about it, yet somewhat sad that my cicada hunting days are over. I would like the wonderful people of Egypt for leaving me enough cicadas last night to get the last 17,000 points I needed. I have 4 cages out there somewhere and I hope someone passes the test by picking one of my cages. Good luck to all the hunters out there. It was really cool getting the little note on my calendar so I could see my zap


I saved the zap and clicked on it when i was visiting FlipTale at the Worship World Vigil.


July 9, 2009 So here is a picture of Seth. I was minding my own business running around searching out a quiet spot to contemplate life and he was hanging out in the desert. Not too bad looking, huh?

July 6-7, 2009 Well all is not lost since the human has forced me not to be online much the last few days. I received my 6th speed point and if my cages stay out it's very possible I will pass the Test of the Singing Cicada in a few days. Huggers to all and I'll see you in a day or so.

July 5, 2009 The human is forcing me to be on and off more off then on for the next few days due to rl mass mayhem going on in her rl compound. Jeff came in 28th and remains in second place in the standings in a race at Daytona that had the wildest crash on the last lap. On a happier note: YAY Roger Federer won Wimbledon and his 15th grand slam tournament, making him the greatest tennis player ever. Not that they had to tell me that, if you read my blog you know I think that already.

July 4, 2009 Happy July 4th everyone!!!

July 3, 2009


A few of us YaYa's got together this a.m. and enjoyed a beetle swap. As you can see a fun time was had by all and even the beetles had little smiles on their faces while being adopted by YaYa's Korrin, MariahBoPeep, and myself. Congrats to Roger for making it to another grand slam final. He will play Andy Roddick on Sunday at Wimbledon. For the second week in a row, rain washed out qualifying and Jeff will start second in Daytona tomorrow night. Let's go Jeff.

July 2, 2009 So..... The human often says she is a spoiled brat and doesn't share because she is an only child. Today she went to the local coffee shop for breakfast, ordered French toast and coffee. It's a little coffee shop where the people are really nice and Teddy the waiter always makes her smile. Teddy brought her the French toast and looked around for the syrup. It was next to a man that was having pancakes down the counter a bit. So Teddy said to the man, "May I take this? (Pointing to the syrup) The man says, "You only have one? Because I want to keep it here." Teddy said, "Yes," brought the syrup over to the human to use (they both had a smile on their face) and he gave it back to the mean man. The human wanted to hand him a dollar and say, "go buy a personality," but she just snickered with Teddy and thought to herself she isn't so selfish after all.

July 1, 2009 Happy July 1st. Roger Federer won his match this morning and is moving into the semi-finals at Wimbledon. I moved to Rank 3 at the midnight eastern time SevenBlade Tourney and was very excited that I could even stay awake for it. Tonight is a foraging/cicada kind of night for me.