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Demipharaoh Debates/2014 05 2014b

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Results: TBA

Debate occurred on Friday, May 30th at 01:00 GMT (This was Thursday May 29th at 18:00 Pacific Time (US))

Debate between Mar, and AlexisBelle from May 30, 2014

GHawkins: Oh my, it's still May and we're about to have YET ANOTHER Demipharaoh Debate. How lucky for all of us that Mar and AlexisBelle have both decided to take part.
GHawkins: If you're here for the DemiPharaoh debate you're in the right place; we'll be beginning in about 30 minutes. If you're here for ordinary Worship Station dead air, you're out of luck.
GHawkins: WELCOME EGYPT to a live DemiPharaoh debate, our second live debate this month.
GHawkins: For the duration of the debate, normal Worship Station deadair will be halted (you can use L2PBS for worship station related posts during this period). The candidates in this election are AlexisBelle and Mar.
GHawkins: If you have questions that you would like to submit during the debate, just submit them to Worship Station or via /chat to GHawkins but please note that comments, discussion, personal attacks, and redundant questions will be tabled or asked to be rephrased. Also, I will do my best to also reframe any candidate-specific questions so that all candidates can answer them (though your original question will remain intact for the person you specified.)

FIRST QUESTION For those who have never had the opportunity to interact with you before can you share a little about yourself, what you enjoy about ATITD as well as how long you have been playing?

AlexisBelle: I played T4 and just came back about 5 weeks ago. One of the things I like about this game is meeting people and playing close with folks in order to complete goals
Mar: Hi there sure thing! My name is Mar, in the real world too. I been playing here since t3 with my spouse irrie. We love to do what we can to help out new players and be a part of the community, and we enjoy the complexity of the game and challenging ourselves to meet new goals and expand our knowledge with each tale. We spend a lot of time in world :)

SECOND QUESTION: If you win this election you will pass the test of the Demi-Pharaoh and be our 32nd DP of this tale. There are a variety of points of view on what the role of DP should and shouldn't be, what is yours, especially now that we're in an unprecedented free to play era.

AlexisBelle: Other than being able to ban people and being there to help solve disputes I would say being there to help new folks and trying to help attract people for Tale 7.
Mar: I believe that a DP should be a mentor, and a guiding hand to those who need assistance with anything, be it a new player or addressing an issue, and I believe that DP's should be players and be a part of the game and the community. I think it is especially important for a DP to have good judegment and excel in problem solving, so that should a problem arise they can handle it efficiantly and where possible satisfy all parties involved.

THIRD QUESTION: How would you handle it, as DP, if you were involved in an interpersonal conflict with another player? On a related note, how would you handle it if a close personal friend or guildmate made a complaint, or had a complaint made against them, and were seeking your intervention as DP and possibly a ban?

AlexisBelle: As a DP you would have to put personal feelings aside and do what is right. I f I felt like I could not put aside my personal feelings I would have no problem calling on the assistance of another DP.
Mar: I have never been involved in a conflict, but should that occur regardless of if it is a friend or someone I am not familiar with I would talk it out with them. Its important to me that I have positive interactions with everybody, and to be reasonable and listen to why they feel that way, how I can help, what could be a good compromise etc. I would do that in any situation, my own, or someone elses. Both the accuser and the accused have reasons for their feelings, I would need to know them and find out their ultimate goal and help them achieve it if possible

FOURTH QUESTION: An explosive scenario

GHawkins: FOURTH QUESTION is a scenario requested by Tyreus before the debate.
GHawkins: Hypothetical situation: You are DP. Person A ask for your help, saying that person B is destroying machines in his compound with explosives. Person B denies doing that. You go to person's A compound and see that machines aren't in good shape. You can;t find any witnesses but person C claims that person B is capable of doing it. On the other hand person D says that person B is nice fellow and he wouldn't do such thing. What do you do? Do you ban anyone? Or maybe do you further investigate and if yes, how?
Mar: I would further invesitage and find if there are any connections between these people, is person D a friend of person B? Was there anyone else that witnessed the event, and has person B done anything like this before or since? I would then ask that all activity be reported to me and monitor the situation. The last thing I would do is ban, unless person B said haha sucka and tossed one at me lol. In all seriousness It think there are lots of ways to resolve a situation like that, ban should be a last resort.
AlexisBelle: I would have to investigate further. Try to pinpoint the time that it occured. Check to see if there are any log records to see if the accused was logged in. Talk to surrounding neighbors to collect more
AlexisBelle: I would only consider a ban if I had hard evendence
Mar: I wanted to clarify that what I meant by if they tossed one at me, as in unless they exposed themselves to be an intentional griefer, not just because simply because they directed negative attention at me

FIFTH QUESTION: What do you think of the practice of sharing the coordinates to cicada cages?

GHawkins: FIFTH QUESTION was submitted anonymously before the debate.
GHawkins: What do you think of the practice of sharing the coordinates to cicada cages?
AlexisBelle: I dont think it is fair to share coords. When I first came back and picked up the test someone I forget who now shared coords. I did not follow thourgh on those coords. It takes the fun and challange out of the test.
Mar: I don't agree with doing that. It tampers with the cage owners points and takes the challenge out of the test. The best part of cicade is investigating and exploring the world, and the excitement of finding a cage. Nobody wins if you share the location, the cage owner loses the cage, those that took from the cage got little points etc, I think its all around bad practice to share that information and takes away from the fun and the challenge.

SIXTH QUESTION: Under what circumstances would you consider utilizing the tools created by the Anti-Griefer's Act (AGA) law? What do you consider 'griefing'? Do you feel the AGA has been used well so far?

Mar: Greifing is any activity with the intent to cause harm to objects, or tamper with players ability to have a good experience. Be it building hundreds of objects around their cps, or using explosives as mentioned earlier on their things with the intent to harm and cause grief. Those would be blatant attempts to grief and cause harm to the community, or a person in the community and I think in such obvious cases the AGA is neccesary to have in place. We don't see a lot of that most around here have great respect for each other, but for the few incidents that are not so pleasant it is a great tool for controlling a situation that may be out of hand and should be used when all other efforts have been exhausted
Mar: should ONLY be used when all other efforts have been exhausted, missing key word there lol
AlexisBelle: Greifing as a ongoing problem. Where no other attempts to solve has worked and the greifing is still happening. Then it would be nesserary

SEVENTH QUESTION: Does anyone have access to login to your account? (i.e., would any person other than yourself ever have access to your ban powers)? Note: spouselog does not allow access to ban powers.

Mar: Absolutely not, and never will.
AlexisBelle: No others have acess to my account.

EIGHTH QUESTION: Have you played ATITD under other names in this tale or past ones, and if so, what were the names you played under?

AlexisBelle: Clinker Maid in T4. I just made a alt. tonight her name is Belle.
Mar: Since day one I have always used my real name Mar, and as long as someone doesn't take my name in the future it will always be Mar. I want people to know who I am so I keep my information the same every tale.

NINTH QUESTION: If the general consensus of the rest of the DPs were that that person should not be banned, but you felt strongly that they should, what would you do?

Mar: I would express my feelings and the reason for them to the other DP's. If they still believed the person should not be banned then I would agree with the majority vote. I think it's important for all DP's to work together when making important decisions. I don't see this being a likely situation, if all the other DP's felt a ban was not necessary, I don't see why I would disagree with that.
AlexisBelle: Majority would have to rule.

TENTH QUESTION: Select a question that you wish had been asked during this debate and answer it for yourself. Also, answer the question from the other candidate.

QUESTION 10A: Would you DPA an eligible camp if you had the opportunity?

Mar: I think the question about whether or not you would DPA an eligible camp was a good one. It tells a lot about character. My answer is no I would not DPA anyones camp. I have had it done to me and having to start all over isn't something I wish on anyone to merely get supplies that are farmable. The best part of the achievements and progress i've made in this tale, was that it was not easy, taking someone elses things just does not feel necessary to me, or decent..even if you *can* doesn't mean you should.
AlexisBelle: I think DPA is a good law to remove unwanted clutter. I personaly would not DPA a entire camp. You never know what is going on in someones life that has made them be gone for a extended period of time.

QUESTION 10B: Does your lack of experience in playing this game make you less qualified to be DP?

AlexisBelle: Hmmmm How about. Does your lack of experance in playing this game make you less qualified to be DP
AlexisBelle: No I dont think it makes me less qualified. I think the things that would make a good DP are some of my strongest qualites. Honesty, Good with people, willing to go out of my way to help others. and lets not forget charming and fun ;)
Mar: Good question Alexis, I think experience is vital to the understanding of the game and ability to help in certain situations, but I do not think that just because one person is more experienced than the other should be the only reason they get DP. An established player can make mistakes just as much as a new player can. It's in the eye of the beholder. I can see where it would beneficial to have more experience and understanding of the role before becoming DP, but I think that it takes more than just experience to deserve a win. Meaning that should not be the only factor.

CANDIDATE STATEMENT: We're running about an hour and I'm sure people are getting tired of my blathering, so I would like each of you to wrap up now and tell Egypt what they will get in a DP by voting for you. And if you do indeed want them to vote for you, please include why you would like them to.

AlexisBelle: Yes I would like your vote ;) If you elected me you would be getting a DP who loves to reach out to people, who is very active. Has a great sense of right and wrong. Who is good a being a middle man if need be in disputes. And a very charming fun loving DP..
Mar: If you vote for me you will get someone who genuinely loves this community, and is available around the clock and not only willing to help in any way I can, but enjoys doing so. I am a good decision maker and use my judgements wisely, and I would work together with other DP's to do the best I can to help you. I really appreciate the honor to have made it this far in the election, and I want you all to know that I am available to you, don't be afraid to reach out to me, whether to help you with something big or small or even just to say hi. So, yes I do want to be elected as your DP, it would be an honor to serve the community, and play a part in keeping peace and sanity around Egypt. Thank you all for your consideration.

GHawkins: And now it's time for the swimsuit competition! Oh, wait, we're out of time. Darn. Thank you to both candidates for joining us for the DP debate. Time runs short in this election cycle, so head to your local voting booth and throw your support behind the candidate of your choice.
GHawkins: Thank you also for those who listen in or read up on this debate on the wiki (soon) to make an informed decision.
AlexisBelle: puts her swimsuit away
AlexisBelle: Oh Darn
Mar: lol thank you GHawkins, maybe next time I do enjoy a good swim :)
AlexisBelle: Thanks GHawkens and Mar for being here and good luck Mar
Mar: Thank you good luck to you as well :)