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Test of the Daily Catch

Win a total of 7 Daily Catches Awards (divided into 4 Bronze, 2 Silver and 1 Gold Daily Challenge) to Pass this Test.

What's the Catch

Every Egyptian Day will bring a new Daily Catch.

Visiting the UBody or School of Body will List the Daily Catch.

  • Days 1, 3, 5, 7 in the week will be Bronze Challenges
  • Days 2,6 will be Silver Challenges,
  • Day 4 is Gold Challenge Day.

The Bronze Daily Catch

The Bronze Daily Catch will be easiest to catch, with 1/14 of successful of that fish type catches being a suitable Bronze Fish.

Players will get to create a Bronze Trophy Fish from 7 Bronze, 2 Wooden Pegs and 1 Onyx Marble, this can be registered at the UBody only during the same day.

The Silver Daily Catch

The Silver Daily Catch will be 1/49 of successful of that fish type catches being a suitable Silver Fish. Players will get to create a Silver Trophy Fish from 7 Bronze, 2 Wooden Pegs and 1 Onyx Marble this can be registered at the UBody only during the same day.

The Gold Daily Catch

The Gold Daily Catch will be the hardest, with 1/111 of successful of that fish type catches being a suitable Gold Fish. Players will get to create a Gold Trophy Fish from 7 Gold, 2 Wooden Pegs and 1 Onyx Marble, this can be registered at the UBody.

Winning the Daily Catch Award

The largest deben fish registered at that Region UBody for the day will win the Daily Catch Award, bringing the player 1/7 of the steps toward passing the test.

In case of ties by size at that UBody, the earliest submission will win.

Test Benefits

Players can also decorate their camp with their gilded fish trophies.

  • Each Gold Daily Catch Award will give 1 random permanent stat point
  • Every 2 Silver Catch Awards will give 1 random permanent stat point
  • Every 4 Bronze Catch Awards will give 1 random permanent stat point

That is to say a total of 3 random stat point from passing the test.

Players may continue to participate in the Daily Catch competition, but will only gain new stat points if the daily catch is a fish type they have not yet won, i.e. a player that has passed the test with a Silver Catch of a 'Carp' will not get new stat bonus for winning with that fish again.